PIE (Portland Incubator Experiment) plans to introduce Tuesday its eight start-up recruits that have just graduated from its incubator program. Founded in 2009 to provide some space and technology to start-ups, PIE officially launched with its mentorship model in September 2011. Like many incubators, PIE provides office space, tons of mentorship and funding, typically taking 6% for $18,000 in investment.
The company borrowed heavily from TechStars in that they value “intense mentoring” that can occur seven days a week vs the YCombinator approach, which provides some mentoring, said Renny Gleeson, co-founder of PIE, in an interview. Addiitonally, PIE has support from major brands, like Google, Nike, Target, which provide mentorship capital. The brands do not provide any of the seed capital, however. All of the capital comes from advertising company Wieden+Kennedy.
Here’s a look at the first official class, in no particular order, which just graduated a three-month program.