Splash Oakland 2015 People's Choice Award Winner

Kristin Karaoglu · May 7, 2015 · Short URL: https://vator.tv/n/3d9f

Check out ShareRoot's presentation on stage and the judges' feedback

At Vator Splash Oakland, ShareRoot  won the People's Choice Award. Here's the video of  Noah Abelson ShareRoot founder, giving the winning presentation.

ShareRoot is an innovative content marketing platform. We currently aggregate user generated content from instagram and twitter in an easy to use platform that brands can access and securely request for the rights to those images. We will be implementing a simple image modifier as well as building out features on an enterprise basis. 

Among the judges were Erik Moore (Base Ventures), Paige Craig (Angel Investor), Maha Ibrahim (Canaan Partners), Noah Doyle (Javelin Venture Partners), Mike Walsh (Structure Capital), Tianxiang Zhuo (Karlin Ventures), Dave Samuel (Freestyle VC) and  Adam Smith (Bowery Capital).

Thank you KPMG, Kapor CenterWendel RosenJavelin, Rackspace, The Port Workspaces, Alaska, Gensler, Parelius, and Bread & Butter for sponsoring! 

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Kristin Karaoglu

Woman of many skills: Database System Engineer; SplashX event producer; Author of Startup Teams

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ShareRoot, Inc.


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ShareRoot has created a SaaS platform that gives brands the ability to source UGC from various social channels. We currently utilize APIs from the major social networks that allow for images and image information to be pulled from the platforms chronologically. Our unique tool allows brands to seek out images, send out custom requests for the rights to the images, and post their newly sourced content to multiple platforms. We have an additional API that reads each user in order to ensure that the brand is gaining the rights for the image that the specific user has posted. 

We have planning in place for the ability to modify images that the brand has obtained rights to, schedule out posting to social channels, as well as aggregating content into customizable campaign folders. 

Our clients have currently received an average approval rate of 43%, allowing for these brands to source marketing material for little or no cost. 



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Andrew TemeƱa

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Noah Abelson

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I led US sales from $0 to over $3.1M in Q3 for AdParlor which was one of the original Facebook advertising companies. I also started and ran a business focused on bringing a rare African fruit to the US until the FDA shut us down two years later.