- July 25, 2011
Sylvie Leotin's Channel
- June 29, 2011
Today's Entrepreneur: Cindy Padnos
No.1 mistake: thinking that great technology by itself wins
- June 23, 2011
Why entrepreneurs should read Dostoevsky
Understanding customers: Lessons from great writers
- April 27, 2011
Today's Investor: Neal Hansch
No.1 Mistake: Following a "build it and they will come" mentality
- April 21, 2011
Silicon Valley: Tech Frontier and Art Desert
Bridging the Arts and Tech Innovation Divide
- April 20, 2011
Today's Entrepreneur: David Barrett
No. 1 Mistake: Viewing entrepreneurship as a science
- March 11, 2011
The customer validation conundrum
Why is it so hard to get useful feedback from customers?
- December 12, 2010
Shazam's 10-yr road to 100 million users
CEO Andrew Fisher shares his lessons learned building a mobile app that identifies songs
- November 23, 2010