Kristin Karaoglu's Channel
- March 14, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: Otto Hilska
No. 1 mistake: Taking too long to validate crucial parts of the business model
- March 12, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: Christopher Nguyen
No. 1 mistake: They don't know how to think small or big
- March 9, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: Ilan Abehassera
No. 1 mistake: Start by building a complicated product, then simplify it over time
- March 5, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: Jason Shen
No. 1 mistake: Not being relentlessly resourceful enough
- March 2, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: Jason Kulpa
No. 1 mistake: Not knowing when to pivot from the original plan
- February 27, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: Karim Guessous
No. 1 mistake: Not getting closer to their customers
- February 24, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: Adam Huie
No. 1 mistake: Pulling the plug because of competition
- February 17, 2012
Apple sells more iPhones in 4 yrs vs. Macs in 28 yrs
Chart shows the rocket-ship-like ride for iPhone distribution
- February 15, 2012