Today’s Entrepreneur is Paolo Privitera, founder and the CEO of Doochoo. According to his VEQ Paolo is good at networking, technology design and project management.

Vator’s community is the home to entrepreneurs who embrace their passion and follow their dreams. Our newly-designed profiles allow members to express themselves by sharing their interests, lessons learned, as well as bits and pieces of their roller-coaster journey.

These profiles give entrepreneurs an opportunity to showcase themselves and tell their story. So if you are an entrepreneur, a serial entrepreneur, or even an aspiring entrepreneur, we’d like to hear from you.

I am a(n):

Innovator and Entrepreneur

Companies I’ve founded or co-founded:,,

Startups I worked for:,,

If you are an entrepreneur, why?

I want to change the world.

My favorite startups:

Airbnb, Smappo, Kiip, Beintoo, Getbazza, Mashape

What’s most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?

frustation arrives when you trying to brutally bring innovation into commercial processes, by doing that you are forced to stop the innovation and deliver a static stable product.

rewards arrive when you see the product of your own entrepreneurial skills take shape, change people lives, and also generating money. Affecting people and create a better life for them.

What’s the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs make?

thinking the world thinks like me (the entrepreneur) 🙂 wrong! you have to put yourself constantly into people’s shoes and keep shifting between the two visions.

What are the top three lessons you’ve learned as an entrepreneur?

1) you need more money and time than what you thought.
2) you can’t start a startup/project with team people that don’t share and participate in full to the vision and strategy, either they are co-founder or the early created team doesn’t work.
3) failures help 🙂

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