It’s easier than ever to get the scoop on your company. Vator just launched a cool micro-blogging tool that lets you give status updates about your company. It’s been a hit with our private beta users, such as Kosmix which has nearly 900 followers in a few months. So try it out! Get started by inviting 25 followers and then post short messages on your profile to let the world know what your company is doing. Your updates are distributed on our homepage and Twitter. Vator will also drive awareness for you by recommending users to follow your company.

See: Vator opens up micro-blogging to public beta

Entrepreneurs have to walk a fine line. Marten Mickos, CEO of MySQL who sold the open-source company to Sun Microsystems for 1 billion, says entrepreneurs can’t be too optimistic and too pessimistic.They just have to have faith. While in prison, Admiral Stockdale once said, “It’s having unwavering faith that you will prevail in the end.” Mickos isn’t saying that building a startup is like being in prison. Though these tough times sure makes it feel that way.What he means is that entrepreneurs must believe that one day everything will be perfect and until then, you have to go through whatever pain you have to go through.

See:The Stockdale Paradox for entrepreneurs

It is not a surprise that celebrities are worshiped wherever they go…even on Twitter. In April, the month Ashton Kutcher hit 1 million followers and Oprah Winfrey joined Twitter, the micro-blog’s traffic surged! Twitter‘s visitors jumped 83% from march and 3000% from April of last year. But based on the tweets, Twitter is truly demonstrating that there is an insatiable appetite for pointless tweets coming from some dude. “Blah blah blah.” Isn’t that the name of his company?

See: Twitter’s mountain of ambient noise

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