Steve Hoffman,CEO of recently joined me for an interview to talk about how things have progressed in the last year for since I spoke to him, and what has been implemented on the site, it was a great discussion and a fantastic oppurtunity to catch up with Steve who is such a great person, and has a really strong entreprenurial mind. I asked him after we had finished the interview to give his top 5 tips for being a great entreprenuer, one thing I will follow suit with all my upcoming guests and release exclusively for you guys at, here is Steve giving me the run down of his top 5:

1) Just Do It!

2) Don’t let rejection get you down

3) Never Give Up!

4) Focus- Keep focussed on one project rather then 10!

5) Keep a positive attitude

Plus, a bonus you will have to listen for at 3:10 mins (number 6!)

Check out the full interview with Steve Hoffman, CEO of here:

Josh Chandler Interviews Steve Hoffman, CEO of The One Year Catchup Show!

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