Video: David Sacks fireside at Google Ventures, Vator

Kristin Karaoglu · October 29, 2012 · Short URL:

Bambi Francisco sits down with Yammer CEO and founder at Startup Sessions

If you missed our first-ever Startup Sessions, hosted by Google Ventures and Vator, and held at Google Ventures Startup Lab, here's the program part of the event. It's about 80 minutes long. 

Included in the program is Bambi Francisco's fireside chat with David Sacks, founder and CEO of Yammer. It's a great interview as Sacks, whom Francisco likens to The Most Interesting Man in the World (at which point Sacks blushes), talks about a number of issues, from how Yammer is influencing Microsoft's enterprise strategy, to his angel investing philosophy to his opinions on raising venture financing and designing and releasing products.

As part of the Startup Sessions event, there were also two startups pitching for five minutes. They were Apartment List, which won Vator Splash SF this past September, and PushToTest.  Rick Klau, a Google Ventures partner, was the emcee.

Startup Sessions sold out two days prior to the event. Be sure to register for the next Startup Sessions, where we'll have the co-founder and CTO of LivingSocial - Aaron Batalion join us for a fireside chat. The next event will be held on Nov. 13. Register here.

See breakout stories of David Sack's fireside below.

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Kristin Karaoglu

Woman of many skills: Database System Engineer; SplashX event producer; Author of Startup Teams

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Apartment List


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Apartment List is the fastest-growing online rental marketplace, and we’re on a mission to help everyone find a home they love while making the search process simple. By asking our renters the important questions, we offer personalized results that meet your apartment wishlist. With over four million units on the site, we’ve reached over 150 million renters in over 40 cities.

Since inception, Apartment List has raised $110 million in funding from investors including Allen & Company LLC, Canaan Partners, Industry Ventures, Matrix Partners, Passport Capital, Quantum Partners LP, a private investment fund managed by Soros Fund Management LLC, Tenaya Capital, and WTI.

Founded in 2011 by CEO John Kobs and COO Chris Erickson, Apartment List calls San Francisco home.

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PushToTest Inc.


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Successful brands engage their customers through Social/Mobile apps. These apps must continuously provide an excellent user experience (UX). A degraded experience doesn’t just mean the user leaves the app…but today it means Pepsi drinkers switch to Coke, Deutsche Bank customers view other customer's private financial data so IT executives go to jail, and Best Buy misses its sales targets this Black Friday as customers go elsewhere. Miss on the UX and customers switch brands and the apps receive 2 instead of 5 star rankings in the marketplace.

PushToTest – already used by 600,000 developers and 90% of the Fortune 500 – is the required UX performance solution big brands already trust.

PushToTest's new WatchX platform takes our proven TestMaker “open-source” technology to the cloud in a subscription-based revenue model. It will be the first performance infrastructure to monitor existing app traffic and add its own stress to an app, in big numbers when the organization needs it, adding up to 5M simulated virtual users on-demand. UX validation runs continuously to show developers the root cause of performance bottlenecks and functional failures. We uniquely show what the app user experience (UX) looks like as it slows and fails, and shows exactly where and why it failed. Test creation is as easy and code-less using the integrated installation-less record & playback tool. 


Aaron Batalion

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Aaron is a father, husband, hacker and entrepreneur. As co-founder/CTO of LivingSocial, he is responsible for building products that meet the changing demands of it’s members and merchants.

David Sacks

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David has been involved in the Internet space for over a decade as an entrepreneur, executive and investor.

Bambi Francisco Roizen

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Founder and CEO of Vator, a media and research firm for entrepreneurs and investors; Managing Director of Vator Health Fund; Co-Founder of Invent Health; Author and award-winning journalist.