SouthEnd Dentistry: Keeping Patients in the Loop

Bradford Picot · August 4, 2015 · Short URL:

SouthEnd Dentistry

One of the main principles that the staff at SouthEnd Dentistry sticks to is the notion that patients should have a say in their own treatment plans. Dr. Bradford Picot founded SouthEnd in 2009 to be a beacon of dental health in the community.

He also wanted his staff to work closely with patients to create the best plans for all of their dental needs. Dr. Picot designed his entire business around making his patients feel comfortable when they come to the dentist, instead of the normal feeling of dread that most people have.

Dr. Picot wanted SouthEnd Dentistry to be different not only from his direct competitors in Charlotte, North Carolina; he wanted his practice to be different from all of the dentist’s office he and his patients have ever been to.

Everything about the business, from the design of the building to the friendly staff, is geared towards making the patient feel at home. 

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