The FDA outlines draft guidance on AI for medical devices
The agency also published draft guidance on the use of AI in drug development
Read more...The big Mayweather Pacquiao fight that went on this weekend was notable for a few reasons.
First, it was the first time I remember anyone caring about a boxing match since Mike Tyson fought Lennox Lewis all the way back in 2002. Secondly, it set a record for the number of people who tuned in to watch it on pay per view. And third, and most importantly, it opened up brand new questions about piracy in the digital age.
In recent months there have been a number of high-profile live-streaming apps debuting, most notably Meerkat and Twitter's Periscope. Despite the best efforts of the networks broadcasting the fight to put a stop to it, and the instance by the apps that they would do their best to remove illegal streaming, a large number of people went ahead and began broadcasting the material to others on the app, various media outlets have been reporting.
Periscope was a particularly popular method for streaming, and of course many were only too happy to broadcast this fact over Twitter.
Well, this Periscope thing is pretty cool. Watching the fight on my phone via some schmo's TV!
— Keith McShea (@KeithMcSheaBN) May 3, 2015
Boxing meet Periscope. Periscope meet boxing.
— Justin Wells (@justinwells2424) May 3, 2015
There are, of course, not official figures on many people viewed the fight this way, but the fact that both Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, and early investor Chris Sacca, both eagerly announced it the real winner of the fight should tell you that it was likely a lot of people.
And the winner is... @periscopeco
— dick costolo (@dickc) May 3, 2015
Periscope won by a knockout.
— Chris Sacca (@sacca) May 3, 2015
So now that people have figured out yet another way to illegal consumer media, what does this mean for Twitter? Well, for one thing, it is going to have to find a better way to crack down on illegal streaming on its service.
Targeting by titles and keywords is easy enough, Dallas Salazar, Chief Analyst at, wrote in a note on Monday, but he also points out that users will just as easily find their own ways around this.
"But how does it plan to remove Periscopes (Streams? Footage? What are we calling these?) that are titled specifically to avoid this? Or when word gets out that TWTR is looking to quickly pull copyrighted footage of large events (boxing, NFL games, concerts, etc.) and the general populous stops commenting using targeted keywords and stops titling using key words (people will still find a way to find the streams by slang or by other keywords that algos have a hard time correlating), what is its solution then? My point is that the public will evolve faster than the coding," he wrote.
Despite those challenges, this could also be an opportunity for Twitter to have it both ways: to publicly be against piracy, while also benefiting from users outsmarting it and pirating content anyway.
"Again, I believe this positions TWTR uniquely to still put on a good public face in that it isn't promoting the 'misuse' of Periscope, even that it's proactively trying to stop misuse, but also in a position to have millions download the app, in an effort to benefit from the misuse," said Salazar. "This, of course, creates a gateway for increased usage of the Twitter app and for increased key metrics. At the very least, it opens the door for TWTR to have an opportunity to capture longer-term users of its core application."
Of course, the fact that Costolo himself was bragging about how many people were using his app to illegally stream content might just negate some of that good will.
Piracy problems
If there is one lesson that networks should have learned by now it is that, no matter what they do, cracking down on piracy barely ever works. I mean, look at what happened with HBO and Game of Thrones.
After it became the most pirated show in the world for the third year running, HBO set out to do whatever it could to stop people from downloading its shows. It announced is stand-alone service, called HBO Go, to appease chord-cutters.
It also tried to crack down on piracy by simulcasting the entire season at the same time, all over the world, in 170 countries at once.
And yet, what happened? The first four episodes still leaked online before the first episode even premiered.
Now these live-streaming apps present just one more notch in an expanding problem.
(Image source:
The agency also published draft guidance on the use of AI in drug development
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Twitter is an online information network that allows anyone with an account to post 140 character messages, called tweets. It is free to sign up. Users then follow other accounts which they are interested in, and view the tweets of everyone they follow in their "timeline." Most Twitter accounts are public, where one does not need to approve a request to follow, or need to follow back. This makes Twitter a powerful "one to many" broadcast platform where individuals, companies or organizations can reach millions of followers with a single message. Twitter is accessible from, our mobile website, SMS, our mobile apps for iPhone, Android, Blackberry, our iPad application, or 3rd party clients built by outside developers using our API. Twitter accounts can also be private, where the owner must approve follower requests.
Twitter started as an internal project within the podcasting company Odeo. Jack Dorsey, and engineer, had long been interested in status updates. Jack developed the idea, along with Biz Stone, and the first prototype was built in two weeks in March 2006 and launched publicly in August of 2006. The service grew popular very quickly and it soon made sense for Twitter to move outside of Odea. In May 2007, Twitter Inc was founded.
Our engineering team works with a web application framework called Ruby on Rails. We all work on Apple computers except for testing purposes.
We built Twitter using Ruby on Rails because it allows us to work quickly and easily--our team likes to deploy features and changes multiple times per day. Rails provides skeleton code frameworks so we don't have to re-invent the wheel every time we want to add something simple like a sign in form or a picture upload feature.
There are a few ways that Twitter makes money. We have licensing deals in place with Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft's Bing to give them access to the "firehose" - a stream of tweets so that they can more easily incorporate those tweets into their search results.
In Summer 2010, we launched our Promoted Tweets product. Promoted Tweets are a special kind of tweet which appear at the top of search results within, if a company has bid on that keyword. Unlike search results in search engines, Promoted Tweets are normal tweets from a business, so they are as interactive as any other tweet - you can @reply, favorite or retweet a Promoted Tweet.
At the same time, we launched Promoted Trends, where companies can place a trend (clearly marked Promoted) within Twitter's Trending Topics. These are especially effective for upcoming launches, like a movie or album release.
Lastly, we started a Twitter account called @earlybird where we partner with other companies to provide users with a special, short-term deal. For example, we partnered with Virgin America for a special day of fares on that were only accessible through the link in the @earlybird tweet.
What's next for Twitter?
We continue to focus on building a product that provides value for users.
We're building Twitter, Inc into a successful, revenue-generating company that attracts world-class talent with an inspiring culture and attitude towards doing business.
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