The FDA outlines draft guidance on AI for medical devices
The agency also published draft guidance on the use of AI in drug development
Read more...A Global Need for Principled Leaders
by Pierre Coupet
So what does it mean to be a "Principled Leader" and why should we even care?
I am very much aware that there are some who would argue that the term "Principled Leader" is an oxymoron and that there is no empirical evidence to indicate that such animal has ever existed throughout the entire history of mankind.
As well, there are others who would argue that "pragmatism" takes precedence over "principles" and that they would rather be a "Pragmatic Leader" than a "Principled Leader" - someone who can make the necessary tough decisions when circumstances warrant it instead of someone who's bogged down by--or chained to--some artificial concept or dogma which has no relevance or semblance to the realities of life and governance in a dangerous, doggy-dog world.
And yet, there are some who believe that they are not only "principled" but also "pragmatic" leaders and that these characteristics are not mutually exclusive.
And last but not least, there are some who claim that, though they are "principled leaders," they can ill afford to reveal that in their current environment because, once exposed, they would be railed against, blackmailed, completely destroyed, blacklisted, and run out of town or killed.
Therefore, given this divergence of views on what it means to be a "principled leader,” I believe it is high time that I clarify what it means to be a principled leader:
Subscribes to A Priori Ethics
A Principled Leader subscribes to a universal code of ethics called “A Priori Ethics.” A priori ethics subscribes to only one principle, which is: "Do no harm and do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Therefore, if any single action you are contemplating cannot pass this test, then it should not be undertaken. There is no room for ambiguity, rationalization, equivocation or any other sort of consideration.
Clearly Articulates a Set of Principles that He Follows
A Principled Leader clearly, unequivocally, and unmistakably articulates to the world a set of principles - “transparency” being chief among them - that he will not deviate from under any circumstances, even at the risk of his own peril. After all, it’s only fair that you forewarn others about where you stand before you begin to engage with them. The worst possible thing that could happen is that some would ignore your warnings and try to put you to the test in order to find out whether or not you really mean what you say or if you are just another one of these hypocrites who talk out of both ends of their mouth and love to project the smoke-and-mirrors effect of stating a set of principles that nobody cares to follow.
Leads Himself Instead of Others
A Principled Leader leads himself instead of others -- and insists upon others within his circle of influence that they too learn how to lead themselves -- in accordance with the universal code of ethics: “A Priori Ethics.”
Why is that you might say? That’s because being able to lead yourself in a “principled” fashion is a truly herculean task and the most difficult job in the world. Hence the reason why 99% of our so-called leaders have a tendency to fall from grace, at one point or another during their tenure or lifetime, due to hypocrisy, moral perversion and putrefaction, political or business corruption, blackmail and various sorts of “human compromise operations” -- and why most people prefer to be led by others.
To truly lead others is impossible. That being the case, why in the world would anyone want the burden of having to “truly lead” others?
Well, the answer is very simple: Although most people prefer to be “truly led” by others - the key words here being “truly led” - in reality that is not what they get since that is literally impossible to do.
People are instead herded, dictated to or manipulated. Instead people who want to be led are herded like cattle in a particular direction; “dictated” to and “manipulated” like children by leaders who provide them with certain mandates and dictates which must be followed or else suffer the consequences (in terms of blackmail, terminations, being blacklisted, fines, restrictions to freedom of movement or assembly, restrictions to freedom of choice, restrictions to freedom of association, persecution and prosecution, financial ruin, confinement, physical abuse, physical and/or public humiliation, mental degradation, psychological pain, and even death).
And that, my friends, is indisputably the essence of governance across all sectors, segments, and levels of society everywhere in the world.
Principled leaders can only lead by example. The follow-up question then becomes, “How can you rely on others to lead themselves if it is such a difficult task?” Fair question. The answer is: Initially, team members will follow the “examples” of a Principled Leader within their circle until such time that they have become accustomed to “leading themselves” and it has become second nature to them - a perfect example of “leaders leading by example.”
Does Not Seek to Inspire Others and Is Rather Inspired by His Team
A Principled Leader does not seek to inspire his team and avoids developing a “cult personality” within his organization. Rather, he is inspired by his team’s accomplishments when they undertake the task of “leading themselves.”
People who seek inspiration from a leader are too easily manipulated and a grave security risk. Generally speaking, people who seek and rely on “divine inspiration” from a leader in order to function and be productive are very programmable and can be easily manipulated; have no strong desire to “lead themselves”; are the very same people who will turn, on a dime, against their leader the minute they have been properly indoctrinated, incentivized, or “bought and paid for”; are easily influenced by malevolent individuals or entities to act against their own self-interests through internal destabilization operations and color revolutions; and revolt when they find out that their leader is, after all, “human and flawed” - just like them.
In one minute, they portend or profess a willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice for their leader; and the next minute, they will betray that leader and sabotage the organization’s operations; or lynch him and have his neck either in a guillotine block or dangling at the end of a rope.
Does Not Seek to Motivate Others and Is Rather Motivated by His Team
A Principled Leader does not seek to motivate his team; and avoids treating his team like children. Rather, he is motivated by his team’s zeal and performance when they undertake the task of “leading themselves.”
People naturally prefer to be treated with respect and dignity. So, if a Principled Leader treats his people with respect and dignity and expects--as well as insists--that they “lead themselves,” they will respond accordingly. They will treat their job as if it were their own business and give it all they got. After all, there is no better feeling than being in control of--and responsible for--your own life. (That includes your failures, setbacks, and accomplishments.)
Only bring on board people who want to lead themselves. On the other hand, if a leader treats his people like children, they will act and respond like children since that leader has a tremendous amount of control over that person’s livelihood. Eventually, that leader will run out of “employee loyalty programs” and things to say and do to “motivate” his team. At which point, his people will start getting bored with their job and begin to look for their next “fun and games” job.
That’s why it’s critical that a current or prospective “principled leadership organization” employer is very transparent about wanting to bring on board people who have a very strong desire to “lead themselves” instead of employees who want to be led the traditional way - like sheep and children.
Embraces Freedom In Its Totality
A Principled Leader believes that “freedom” is the most valuable and priceless gift of all that any human being could possess, more valuable than life itself. Freedom attaches strictly to an individual at the time of conception and is neither a right nor privilege to be accorded, granted or dispensed to others by some person, entity, government, powers-that-be, or document. Whereas, democracy does not advance freedom and is rather a means to restrict freedom; is a farce and fantastic illusion designed to trick individuals into surrendering their freedom in order to legitimize and insure the tyranny of a “bought and paid for” minority. (After all, your elected representatives can always claim that they are acting within their mandate and, most importantly, with your consent.)
Freedom can never be given to you. Freedom can never be taken away from you. You - and only you - can surrender your freedom in exchange for some perceived benefit; and even then, you can reclaim it at any time at the blink of an eye without having the need to ask for it back or to request any sort of permission. Obviously such priceless gift requires that you be willing to safeguard it at all costs - even if it means with your life.
Therefore, a Principled Leader must always be extremely sensitive about encroaching on the freedom of others. As well, he must adopt a zero tolerance policy which ensures that no individual within his circle of influence strays away from this most sacred principle.
Embraces the “Betterment of ALL of Mankind” as a Supreme, Overarching Principle
“How will this particular policy, action, event, decision or mandate enhance the betterment of ALL of mankind?” is a Principled Leader’s supreme and overarching principle and the primary test which must be met prior to moving forward with any agenda. If an agenda is deemed “beneficial” only to a particular individual, group, organization, entity, country, geopolitical alliance or bloc of countries, collectively referred to as (“players”) -- at the exclusion of (and or detriment to) other “players” -- then that agenda should either be scrapped completely or revised in order to avoid or eliminate the harmful effect(s) it would have on these other players.
Betterment of ALL of mankind is the essence of bona fide capitalism. That, friends and colleagues, is the true essence of “bona fide capitalism” instead of the current “pseudo- or quasi-capitalism” in place today throughout the world. The faithful adoption and implementation of this principle allows prosperity engendered by bona fide capitalism (capitalism in its truest form) to spread to every individual in every corner of the globe.
After all, it is worth noting that capitalism, in its truest form, was never meant to benefit only a chosen few and propagate or enable economic enslavement, disinformation and false flag operations, blackmail and intimidation and terror, blatant propaganda, puppet and corrupt governments, poverty, disease, chaos, death and destruction to the rest of the world.
“Betterment of ALL of mankind” principle exponentially increases investor and shareholder profit. The adoption of this principle frees up global human potential that will in turn result in an explosion of "real transparency," goodwill, collaboration, innovation, investment, revenues, wealth generation, and investor and shareholder profit across the globe.
Real Transparency. When you’re doing something good, common sense says that you want the whole world to know about it. But when you’re up to no good, it’s also obvious that you wouldn’t want to advertise that to the world, at which point, the flow of information will be strictly on a need-to-know basis. Real transparency (instead of today's fake transparency) renders politics as we know it today completely obsolete, a relic of our corrupt and primitive troglodyte and neanderthal past.
Goodwill. Most people can tell the difference between bullshit and genuine acts, ideals versus actions, and optics versus substance. It’s all about karma: You screw people and they will eventually find out; and sooner or later, the chickens will come home to roost. You do well by others and you will automatically reap goodwill in return. It's as simple as that.
Collaboration. The greatest barrier to fear, ignorance and stupidity. People who work together get a chance to learn how much in common they have with each other instead of the lies and propaganda they are fed by their masters through the global mainstream media. Global collaboration allows us to increase productivity and efficiency at an exponential level and provides us with all our basic needs and wants and makes poverty and pestilence a thing of the past. Global conflict would be reduced to a level never before seen in the entire history of mankind. Mankind would be able to make the transition from “human beings” (very primitive and savage beings) to “intelligent beings” in no time at all.
Innovation. The pace of innovation will also increase at an exponential level. Imagine a world producing on a yearly basis the equivalent of 10,000 Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Werner von Braun, Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, etc. working on and developing new technologies for the benefit of all of mankind.
Investment. Investors of all stripes and persuasions would have a field day investing in the latest and most advanced technologies -- like kids in a candy store.
Revenues. A rising tide of revenues would fill the coffers of investors, businesses, employees, retirees, governments, foundations, charitable organizations, educational institutions, etc.
Wealth Generation. Wealth would be more evenly distributed throughout the globe. Instead of people living from paycheck to paycheck, people would be free to pursue their dreams and aspirations without the fear of bankruptcy. A quality education would be affordable to all. People will assert their independence and insist on safeguarding their freedom; and will totally reject today’s population mind control and mind manipulation by government in concert with special interests and the global mainstream media.
Investor and Shareholder Profit. Investor and shareholder profit would shoot through the roof, which would in turn make it possible for investors to quickly reinvest their profit into more lucrative ventures.
Failure to adopt "Betterment of ALL of Mankind Principle" means business as usual. Absent the adoption of--and strict adherence to--the "betterment of all of mankind principle," the essence of bona fide capitalism, the only outcome we can ever expect throughout the world is the continuation and proliferation of what the world has been experiencing from time immemorial to this day: smoke-and-mirrors democracy, “democratic” dictatorships, insurrections, wars, genocide, unnecessary wholesale death and destruction, state-sponsored terror and destabilization operations, rampant diseases, famine, obscene poverty, murder and mayhem, tyranny, oppression, repression, massive scale fraud and corruption at every single level and branch of government, puppet leaders, economic sanctions, modern day slavery, criminal organizations acting under color of law, religious and ethnic strife, etc.
Exclusively Works for a Principled Leadership Organization
A Principled Leader can only function within a “Principled Leadership Organization.” A “Principled Leadership Organization” is an organization or entity whose core foundation is centered around the notion that the welfare of all the people who serve their organization as well as their clients--and the communities in which they all live--take precedence over individual shareholder profit; AND subscribes to the "Principled Leadership" leadership model. (View the article A Global Need for Principled Leadership for more information regarding the “Principled Leadership” leadership model.)
A principled leadership organization and a principled leader are 2 sides of the same coin. An almost fanatical obsession and emphasis is placed on (1) a strong ethical code of conduct based on a priori ethics, (2) substance, (3) people, (4) merit, (5) high performance, (6) high rewards; and most importantly, “principled leadership organizations” require “principled leaders.”
(For detailed information about the characteristics and benefits of a “principled leadership organization,” review the article “A Global Need for Principled Leadership.”)
Why Should We Even Care to Have Principled Leaders?
As to why we should even care to have principled leaders, it’s because the future of all of mankind, our civilization, and our entire planet depends on it.
I know that sounds a bit melodramatic, so let me elaborate a bit:
The world has changed, so stop these stupid games. As we all know, the world has changed a great deal in the past quarter century and the old rules of the game either no longer apply or require substantial revision and modification. We are too interconnected in today’s day and age for the sort of overt and covert tit-for-tat actions, political intrigues, and behind-the-scenes geopolitical games and calculations which characterized all previous eras, including the Cold War era and the pre-internet business period.
We are no longer isolated from the rest of the world. We are no longer living in an era when each country's population was held captive and isolated from the rest of the world by a smorgasbord of benevolent to lightly benevolent, absolutely corrupt to mildly corrupt, most repressive to lightly oppressive, and tyrannical to democratic "dictatorships." You will notice one characteristic that they all share in common, regardless of the degree or extent of their leanings, is the word "dictatorship."
Dictatorship is the essence of every single form of governance since time immemorial - having a small group of people dictate to others a form and pattern of conduct and behavior. Those who are not exempt from playing by the rules and do play by the rules are left alone, and those who rebel against their form of government and rulers - or their rulers or masters’ dictates - are dealt with through various forms of "tyranny, oppression and repression," some of which ultimately result in the loss of life. And that, friends and colleagues, is a fact of life, no matter how much we try to sugarcoat or vilify any particular government or form of governance.
Now we all have access to the truth. Our leaders can no longer get away with feeding us nothing but lies, omissions, distortions, and half-baked truths and expect us to believe them. They can no longer cause mayhem, engineer total chaos and destruction at home, in their backyard or around the world, and then expect us to believe that they are fighting for freedom and democracy at home or around the world, in our name and for our way of life.
They can no longer credibly claim that they are trying to protect us from these evil terrorists or regimes (that they had-or still have-a part in creating, funding, arming, and/or supporting in the first place); people or entities who are insane and bloodthirsty and want nothing to do but kill us, either for absolutely no reason at all or because of some extreme, perverted ideology or version of religious fundamentalism.
Today we all have access to the truth IF WE SO DESIRE although most of us are too busy trying to survive or make a living to even care. Today the truth is a powerful weapon that an enemy country can deploy against their adversary; and that truth is no longer confined to the domain of the powers-that-be, secret shadow governments, secret civilizations operating in tandem with human civilization, ultra secret societies, and shadow intelligence groups within intelligence agencies operating in total secrecy. Today we no longer have to rely on a totally discredited global mainstream media to insult our intelligence and feed us nothing but bullshit.
For those of us who care, the internet makes possible the dissemination of all versions of truth, including the real truth, in a flash second. It allows us to quickly identify, recognize, or be alerted to "false flag operations," lies and omissions, distortions, concealment, blatant or subtle propaganda; ultra sophisticated information warfare, psychological operations, mind control and mind manipulation operations, human compromise operations; black box projects, overt and covert sinister operations; internal and external state-sponsored clandestine operations, internal destabilization efforts, color revolutions, subversion and assassinations; and the blatant corruption of business, the political process, and all levels of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government.
Thus, it can be said with a reliable degree of certainty and accuracy that the internet leaves very little place for scoundrels and malfeasants to hide.
However, that being said, what we do with that truth (and capability) is a completely different matter - and there lies the quandary that we all face - both purveyors and recipients of information (the ruling class and working class, respectively).
The internet makes the ruling class happier than a pig in mud. As for the ruling class -- today’s current leaders -- on the one hand, they view the internet’s capability with a tremendous amount of euphoria. It provides them with the capability to continue to do “more of the same” at an exponential level and on a global scale - subject to the limits of current technology. As the old saying goes, “absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Today’s current leaders have no understanding or appreciation for the “judicious use of power” whose basic tenet states that “just because you can doesn’t mean you should.”
But the internet is a double-edged sword. Therein lies the danger. Why is that, you might say? That’s because when our leaders’ activities are revealed, the breadth and scope of the information revealed is such that it also reverberates exponentially and on a global scale (in every nook and cranny of the world); cannot be locally contained; and it brings about a resulting fury which takes a very long time to contain, if ever.
Today’s “town criers” can no longer be dismissed outright. Whereas, in the past, the local “town criers” of the world could easily be dismissed, marginalized, coerced, human compromised, blackmailed, intimidated, silenced, incarcerated in a mental or penal institution, or even “eliminated” in the name of national security or other criminal and unjust pretense, however, in today’s day and age, the sheer number of these town criers and their global visibility makes it almost impossible to outright dismiss them all, put them all in jail, or “kill them all.”
The old ways of dealing with those who dared to defy the status quo (e.g., death under mysterious circumstances, etc.) can no longer be hidden from the rest of the world. Responding with more sophisticated “disinformation” campaigns and “false flag” operations through the global mainstream media is no longer a 100% effective option since the audience that these town criers appeal to obtains their news from “alternative media.” That audience considers global mainstream media a nefarious tool of corrupt leaders which does nothing but “regurgitate” propaganda and promote dumbed-down content and massive mind control, mind manipulation, and disinformation campaigns.
It is no longer a question of “where there is smoke, there is fire”; the "informed or enlightened" working class can see the “raging forest fire” and you can’t tell them it’s all in their mind or it’s nothing serious - just a little bit of smoke that will quickly die out on its own.
Lack of Credibility Is a Global Security Issue
Most importantly, the resulting damage to the credibility of ALL institutions--and their leaders-- worldwide makes it almost impossible to govern in today’s day and age. This credibility gap has set the stage for others (patriots, heroes, and principled individuals) to make a valiant attempt to cure today’s ills or fill the current moral and leadership void that exists through whatever means they may have at their disposal.
(This list of past and present patriots, heroes, and principled individuals includes, however is not limited to, Anonymous, Veterans Today, Project Camelot, Kerry Lynn Cassidy, Thomas Andrews Drake, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Simon Poncelet, Russ Tice, William Binney, Al Bielek, Paul Hellyer, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Phil Schneider, Gordon Duff, Jim Dean, Larry Nichols, Vytautas Pociunas, Clive Ponting, Alison L. Des Forges, Ron Rummel, Cathy Massiter, John O'Neil, Mordechai Vanunu, Mark Whitacre, Marc Dutroux, Jean-Paul Taminiau, Ron Johnson, Andre Cicolella, Jeffrey Wigand, Michael Ruppert, Dean Warwick, John Kiriakou, Kenneth Johannemann, Frederic Whitehurst, Linda Tripp, Anna Konjevoda, Danny Jowenko, Deck Slayton, Paul van Buitenen, Fabienne Jaupart, Francois Reyskens, Janet Howard, Karen Kwiatkowski, Stanley Kubrick, Joseph Nacchio, Jesselyn Radack, Sibel Edmonds, Secretary of Defense James Vincent Forrestal, Joseph Wilson, Hunter S. Thompson, Joe Darby, Chris van der Werken, John Todd, Samuel Provance, Philip Marshall, Shawn Carpenter, Mark Klein, Richard M. Bowen III, Gina Pardaens-Bernaer, Justin Hopson, Karla Turner, Michael H. Doran, Danny Casolaro, Anat Kamm, Wendell Potter, Paul Wellstone, John Kopchinski, Linda Almonte, John Lear, Robert Dean, Bob Lazar, Milton William (Bill) Cooper, Christopher Landis, Larry Warren, Dr. J. Alan Hynek, Beverly Eckert , Major Donald E. Keyhoe, Wendy Burlingame, Dr. James E. McDonald, Gordon Cooper, Salvatore Princiotta, Edgar Mitchell, Major Jesse Marcel Sr., Barry Jennings, Jose Steppe, Grégory Antipine, Jean-Jacques Feront and thousands, if not millions, more.)
The solutions to today’s ills only give us “more of the same.” Regardless of where in the world we are, this credibility gap represents a major national security issue and a serious threat to our way of life. That’s because our current global political system (this farcical “democratic” system of government) only invites “more of the same” to fill the huge credibility void that this succession of current and previous leaders has created over the years.
That “more of the same” includes:
1) “demagogues, vultures, bottom-feeders, and messianic figures” of all stripes and persuasions - after all, they themselves as well as their intended victims believe that they couldn’t possibly be any worse than these leaders they intend to replace;
2) idealists with a utopian vision of the world whose governing principles and practices are the equivalent of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole - a lesson that Karl Marx’s followers and thousands of others before him throughout the history of mankind have already learned.
3) more rabid “democracy” ideologues - also from all stripes and persuasions - spanning a myriad number of political parties across the globe who fit into the category of cowards, bullies, oppressors, dictators, mass murderers, intellectual midgets, ideological cowards, puppet leaders who are slaves to masters of the new world order, vassals without a shred of conscience or dignity, aggressors who only prey on the weak and defenseless, warmongers, tyrants, unprincipled leaders, pragmatic scoundrels, liars and thieves and opportunists and traitors “bought and paid for” by special interests and secret societies, and mind control and manipulation experts - all of them dressed in “democracy” clothing; and last but not least,
4) well-meaning and highly competent technocrats and visionaries who understand the problem, truly believe they can make a difference from within, seek and obtain a mandate to make the necessary reforms, and make an attempt in that direction until they finally come face to face with the devil himself and his pitchfork who gives them an ultimatum - “you either resign, join us or suffer the fate of all who have come before you” - an ultimatum which, for the most part, results in a grudging acceptance of the invitation to join.
Principled leaders allow us to make a paradigm shift from today’s “swamp” mentality. And that is the reason why we, the world over, always wind up with different leaders but the same old crap - a very dysfunctional and “exceptional” system built on “smoke and mirrors,” nowhere near grounded in any sort of reality, always going around in a perpetual circle.
Therefore, the solution is not “more of the same” but a total and radical departure from the “sort of mentality” which keeps producing the “current swamp” that we all live in. Instead of listening to new leaders constantly promising to “clean up the swamp,” let’s instead focus our energies on identifying and changing the mentality that produces the swamp in the first place. And that, friends and colleagues, is the promise of “principled leadership organizations” and “principled leaders.”
And What Does “Principled Leaders” Have Anything to Do With Virtual Organization Management?
To those of you who are familiar with my passion for--more like fanaticism about--virtual organization management, I am sure you must be wondering what the hell any of this has to do with virtual organization management. The answer is: everything.
All Bona Fide Virtual Organizations Are Principled Leadership Organizations
That’s because the virtual organization management discipline mandates that ALL virtual organizations must be “principled leadership organizations” led by “principled leaders.” Absent meeting that fundamental requirement, a so-called virtual organization shall be deemed a “quasi- or pseudo-virtual organization.”
No room for business as usual in The New Virtual Organization World. The idea is that, it’s critical that as people and organizations form “virtual organizations” and reach that critical mass which will herald the arrival of The New Virtual Organization World era, that we do not simply transfer (or virtualize) all the garbage, evils, and “swamp mentality” which currently characterize the completely dysfunctional system we now have in the brick and mortar world.
The New Virtual Organization World represents an opportunity for all of us to learn from our brick and mortar world mistakes and finally get it right; a golden opportunity for all of us to break free from our primitive ancestors, their primal fears and instincts. Business as usual is no longer an option.
In Conclusion
I realize that becoming a “Principled Leader” is not like turning on a switch, getting a degree, or taking a course and getting a certificate. If it were that easy, the world would certainly have been a much better place eons ago. It is instead a lifetime of work in progress, trying to improve yourself on a 24 hours a day / 365 days basis, and keeping vigilant at every turn and fork on the road.
But make no mistake about it - this is a battle worth fighting for because the stakes are higher than ever for the future of our planet and mankind, and our progeniture expects no less from us. The examples that we trace today will be felt for millennia to come - just as today we are all inheritors of the legacy of primitive apes, troglodytes, neanderthals, today's human savages, and our extra-terrestrial ancestors.
(Stay tuned for Part 3 - A Global Need for Principled Geopolitical Leaders)
About Author: Pierre Coupet, Q of Virtual Organization Management is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), VOMI Virtual Organization Academy, and Virtual Organization Recruiter; and is also the founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997. Contact directly at; via the Virtual Organization Recruiter community to discuss this article; or via CHAT.
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Founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute and the modern virtual organization management discipline pioneered since 1997; and has over 35 years of diversified professional experience.
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