Today’s entrepreneur is Rahman Mohammed, CEO and co-founder of VivoDoc, a platform that connects patients with physicians directly.

As a comprehensive healthcare technology, VivoDoc works to connect patients with healthcare professionals directly. The technology platform strives to bring price transparency and ease of scheduling appointments for its patients.

I am a(n):


Companies I’ve founded or co-founded:


Companies I work or worked for:

Navihealth, RSA medical, North Alabama Medical Center, Medco ER, Dallas Medical Center

Achievements (products built, personal awards won):

Awarded as Prominent Business leaders to watch in 2022 by Tycoon Sucess

If you’re an entrepreneur or corporate innovator, why?

I want to change the world.

My favorite startups:

Airbnb, Zomato

Why did you start your company or why do you want to innovate inside your company?

Necessity is the mother of all inventions. Having faced challenges at the front lines for the last many years, having to learn the business of medicine(which is not taught in medical school or residency) on our own, and come up with solutions for problems we face on a daily basis I came up with the idea of VivoDoc. For many years in healthcare, solutions were imposed on users which are actually not solving the day-to-day challenges for providers but in fact making them worse. Physicians as healthcare experts can come up with better solutions that will actually alleviate their concerns

What’s most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?

The rollercoaster journey is the most exciting part of a startup. The frustrating part is the uncertainty and rewarding potions are the mini success as you overcome those challenges.

What’s the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs/innovators make?

Giving up too early in their journey and not being able to explore their full potential

What are the top three lessons you’ve learned as an entrepreneur?

  • Team management
  • Patience
  • Focus

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