How Airbnb’s marketing genius started the flywheel
The press is having a field day on Airbnb’s behalf these days, given the pillaging of one of its customer’s homes. While the coverage is deserved (and Airbnb could offer up a better solution and response), it’s getting to be a bit overblown, given that the unfortunate incident could have just as likely happened on any other rental site. But ironically, Airbnb is not one to shy away from being the press. In fact, Airbnb methodically thought to be part of it. When it comes to undesrtanding press, this team knows how to take advantage of its marketing power. Read more
Get a product out fast, then re-build or iterate
Guy Kawasaki: Get it out there & enchant
Lyle Fong: From bootstrapped to VC-backed
How ChaCha achieved its network effect
“Was this an extension or major directional change in strategy?” I asked. Read more
Boxee: A hardware nobody to software success
Premature scaling is the No. 1 mistake startups make
Startups are like professional sports teams
This is not easy to do if a startup CEO is trying to build a familial place to work and if he or she is trying to be liked and nice. “You just don’t have much time to give people months and months of chances,” he warned. Read more
Dave McClure: Focus on sales, metrics, users
As you can imagine, Dave’s spent enough time with entrepreneurs to know what kind of advice they need. Here’s his three pieces of advice: Be revenue focused- transation, and not we’ll-figure-it-out-later model. Be user focused (solving problems that exist) Be metrics focused and focus on improving conversion metrics. Read more
Buddy Media’s pivot to a business model