Happy Monday, Sprint customers. Google today announced its new partnership with Sprint, which will allow Sprint users to get Google Voice using their existing Sprint numbers.
So what this means for Sprint customers is that if they so choose, they can now use their Sprint number to get all of the benefits of Google Voice, such as having one number for all of their phones, being able to check their voicemail online or get it sent in text form via text messaging or email, customizing voicemail messages depending on who’s calling, etc. Unlike number porting, Sprint controls customers’ phone numbers.
Conversely, Google Voice customers who also happen to have a Sprint number can replace that with their Google Voice number when making calls or sending text messages from their Sprint handsets. Previously, this was only possible by downloading an app or making calls through a mobile Web browser, but now Sprint customers can get all of the Google Voice functionality by simply logging onto the Google Voice website and clicking on a link to enable Google Voice from their handsets.
No word on when the service will be available, but Google says it will be “soon,” and once it launches, it will be rolled out gradually to all Google Voice users and will be available to Sprint’s 50 million customers via the Google Voice website.
Additionally, Google also announced that it’s introducing the Nexus S 4G for Sprint, which will let users enable Google Voice directly from a mobile app.
Launched as GrandCentral in 2006, Google bought the company in 2007 for $50 million and launched the service as Google Voice in 2009.
Google declined to state specifically how many users Google Voice has right now, other than to say that they number in the “millions.”