Beyond streaming old episodes of TV shows on the Web, there’s also a ton of live streaming sites like Ustream, and Livestream, where you can catch live concerts, speeches, interviews, sporting events and more.

Clicker, which calls itself the “TV guide of the Web,” wants to be the go-to place for helping you find what’s playing live on the Internet.  The Los Angeles, Ca.-based startup just launched “Live” as the latest addition to its guide.  

Jim Lanzone, CEO of Clicker commented, “The Web today has so much compelling live content, but until now consumers had to rely on promotion by the distributors themselves to know it existed […] “It was a natural evolution for us to build Clicker Live, a dedicated part of Clicker specifically for legal live content, and of course to do so in a comprehensive, structured and unbiased way.”

Clicker believes the problem with live content across the Web, is that it’s very fragmented and hard to find.  I agree it can be a bit frustrating to scan through all the sites that offer live video to see what’s available.  

I tried out Clicker’s new Live feature and found it pretty useful.  For example, Deftones, a band I’ve been a fan of for a while, released a new album today.  Clicker had information that Deftones would be livestreaming a special this evening across the Web, with links and information of where I can catch it.  One of the useful features is a countdown ticker so you know exactly how long until the live stream will happen.   And if you missed it, Clicker will let you know if it’s still available or legally archived online.

The startup also revealed some pretty impressive numbers along with the announcement.  It is now serving over 1 million unique users a month, cataloging more than 650,000 complete episodes from over 10,000 shows.  It also has around 30,000 movies in its database and over 80,000 music videos.  

We recently had Clicker over for an interview in which Jim Lanzone said, “People don’t use video search engines because they’re just too scattershot. The video isn’t organized in any way,” he added. “We took all broadcast programming available, and all the videos off the Web that are equivalent of broadcast, and we put that into a catalog that you can navigate by categories.”  Now Clicker can add live video to its growing catalog. 

Check the video out for more details on the companies business and online video trends.  

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