I don’t know anything about the characteristic of entrepreneur; hey I can’t even tell if there should be one. I see accidental or one time entrepreneur and some who did it again and again. This gives me thought that at least there must be two types, one, which is accidental, and the other is serial entrepreneur. I refuse to accept that you can be serial entrepreneur by being at the right place at the right time. It has to be more than that.

Serial entrepreneurs must have some characteristics, which keep them in this cutting edge game of bringing innovations and ideas to life. They must have liked it to keep doing it again and again. Many big entrepreneurs are very well respected and extremely successful, but I put them into accidental entrepreneurs category, who are happy running their company, but my heart goes to the ones who do this again, and again and earned the title of serial entrepreneurs.

For example, I call Steve Jobs a hero of true serial entrepreneurs of the world. He is no doubt a king entrepreneur who has done again and again, with Apple, Next, pixar and Apple again. Tell me who is your hero entrepreneur and why. What are key characteristic you think are vital for an entrepreneur. Add your comments, make it fun and informative.

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