Musician Trent Reznor has three big simple words for unknown artists: “GIVE IT AWAY.” Reznor, in a post on the Nine Inch Nails forums, gave aspiring musicians two options to succeed today. Number one is for those aiming to be pop superstars, go ahead and sign up with a major record label and give up your rights to your music. Number two is to just share your music with everyone across the Web! The upside is that you might build your own following by being on sites like YouTube or MySpace. The downside is you’re going to have to fight hard to rise above the noise and get paid.

See: Trent Reznor pushes social media on musicians

MySpace‘s CEO Owen Van Netta is trying to turn around the social networking has been. In a memo to employees, Van Natta basically says MySpace has lost its focus. While not as harsh as “The Peanut Butter Manifesto” that  former Yahoo executive Brad Garlinghous wrote about back in 2006. Van Natta’s note clearly leaves you with the same taste…MySpace’s strategy to date has become peanut butter. Spread it across opportunities without any clear cohesive focus.

See: MySpace ‘Peanut Butter’ manifesto

Are you addicted to Internet videos? If you are, you’re not the only one. The total number of video streams viewed jumped 34% in the last year. The total number of video streams were up 34% and the number of unique visitors watching were up to 13%. Streams watched per viewer was up 19%. Each user watches 75 videos a month. The number of unique visitors registered by online streams rose by 13%; streams watched per viewers rose by 19%, and each viewer spent an additional 37% more time watching videos. Each user watches 75 videos a month.

See: Video streams don’t lose steam


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