Last night, YouTube made some minor adjustments to its services.  It gave into the undeniable fact that everybody is Tweeting these days, by adding a Twitter button to its, “share” feature.  

YouTube’s share feature displays MySpace and Facebook as the main two options, but if you click on the, “more share view options” button, you’ll find Twitter along with several other buttons that were already there.  

When a user clicks on the Twitter button, a pop up window appears asking you to log into your Twitter account.  Once you are signed in, YouTube prefills the text entry with a something that looks like this:

Pretty simple, but not the best use of Twitter’s 140 character limit, as the URL is not shortened in anyway whatsoever (Tinyurl, etc).  YouTube, in its blog says, “Feel free to change the prefilled text, if you like…We don’t currently shorten the Video URL automagically but hope to get to it down the road.”

Some of the other features YouTube added last night include, a new upload progress bar (which actually shows your progress, this has been long awaited), and the ability to login with your Google account (eliminating the need to have a separate YouTube account.) 

For a full list of additional features, check this link to YouTube’s official blog.  


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