Keiretsu Forum member and angel investor John Matthesen give Reena Jadhav, Founder, CEO of his top 5 reasons that 8 out of 10 presentations fail to get funded. Every month he sees great ideas fail to raise money since they’re unable make a solid convincing presentation. It’s a frosty climate to begin with, so entrepreneurs need to make a “super compelling business case” to get investor dollars.  Entrepreneurs end up sharing irrelevant details while not spending enough time articulating the fundamentals of the business they are trying to get funded. In fact, some of them are great ideas but poorly presented resulting in them not making the cut.

Check out the list below and make sure your funding presentation articulates them clearly the next time you go looking for money: 

    1. What’s the target business

    2. What’s the market and how well do you know it

    3. How do you make money, who’s going to pay whom, and when

    4. What’s the competition, who else is in the market, and how will you penetrate your market

    5. What’s in it for investors


He also talks about the “Cool Stuff” committee he heads at K4 which sees ideas as diverse as rocket ships to automatic litter machine for cats. Watch the interview for his ideas on “water is the next oil”.  

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