Looks like Santa gave an early Christmas present to Jason Goldberg, founder and CEO of Socialmedian. Goldberg sold his one-year-old news aggregation site to Xing for $7.5 million. Xing is a European social network that makes professional contact management simple, with
made-to-measure networking functions and services. This is a successful startup story, and a one you don’t hear everyday. Start a compan; raise just over half a million; sell for millions in 12 months. Hey, Jason. Nice flip. Have any tips?
See: Socialmedian sells to Xing for $7.5 million
Vator.tv has been evolving well beyond a place for startups to upload one video pitch about their idea and businesses. Today, it’s increasingly becoming a place where startups can share their narrative in multiple videos, text and for beta users – short messages. Vator’s new product allows startups to micro-blog about anything. Just check out the featured companies on our homepage and you’ll see what they’re micro-blogging about.
See: Bambi’s blog: Vator launches Company updates
Who said it’s all gloom and doom for startups during the holidays? My CEO was greeted with a holiday video in her inbox. VC
firm First Round Capital wants to bring about some Christmas cheer by
making sure its portfolio companies remember some truisms in life. Not every problem can be solved by cutting costs and hiding in a cave. Sometimes, you just gotta dance.
See:First Round adds joy to the holidays