CEO’s showcased their companies at the Consumer & Media Presentations over at the AlwaysOn Venture Summit in Silicon Valley this week. From streaming to advertising to building your own social media website, everybody had something interesting to offer.  

Live video streaming has become a daily practice. From video chatting to broadcasting live events, streaming is now hand in hand with traditional broadcasting.  Although the picture quality isn’t optimal yet, streaming offers any person with an Internet connection the opportunity to broadcast themselves to potentially millions of viewers.

Ustream has been working hard at taking online video to another level- live and interactive.  John Ham, CEO of Ustream spoke at the AlwaysOn Venture Summit in Silicon Valley.  Ham explained that successful live Internet video starts with, “compelling live events… live moments that are significant.”  

He said these events can range from weddings, to sports, to live concerts.

Launched back in 2006, Ustream has broadcast some significant events over the Web, such as pop star Taylor Swift interacting with fans from her living room, to President Elect Barack Obama’s acceptance speech. Ham said that what makes Ustream special “is you have all these people, at the same place, at the same point in time, watching the same thing.  There is an opportunity to interact.  Interaction between the broadcaster, and also the audience.”  Amongst Ustream’s competitors are Mogulus, Qik, Yahoo, and the newly launched YouTube Live. 

Check out the video for some highlights from John Ham’s presentation at the AlwaysOn Venture Summit in Silicon Valley.

Other companies presenting at AlwaysOn Venture Summit:

 Somatic Digital’s goal is to turn every printed page into a touch screen. It plans on cashing in by taking a percentage of touchscreen transactions.


 Digonex Technologies offers a pricing solution system that finds just that perfect price for whatever it is your trying to sell.  The product gathers sales data in real time and automatically changes your prices to a perfect selling price.  Hopefully in these tough times your products won’t be selling at .99 cents a piece!

 Going to mall with your best friends is always more fun than shopping online.  Why?  Because you can rave about what you like or hint at what you want.  ThisNext is bringing this interactivity online with their social shopping services.  


 Tired of MySpace and Facebook?  Why not build your own social network?  SocialGO lets you build your own social network for free in just a few minutes.  This product has high potential in classrooms and businesses alike. Or maybe we can all build our own Elvis social networking fan sites?

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