I attended Mobile 2.0 last week and had the chance to speak with Gregory Gorman, one of the founders. Gorman is a consultant with more than two decades of experience in mobile
(including at HP and Bell Atlantic). His firm advises startups on business strategy, building mobile
ecosystem partnerships, and fundraising.
asked Gregory to share three pieces of advice.
“There is nothing more
important than to have ecosystem partners, ” Gorman said. “You cannot
build a business without working or figuring out how to work with
ecosystem partners.”
His second piece of advice was based on
having a goal to build a business that you can monetize. “If you try to
build a business on mobile advertising, it is going to be very
difficult, especially in the next 24 months,” he said.
As for his third lesson, Gorman advised, “Mobile is not the internet. You need
to have a few people in this business to understand handsets and
different operating systems.”