appreciate the finer tastes that Apple has bought upon the iPod/iPhone
generation, the docks, headphones, stands and speakers that line all
the electronic store shelves it’s just ridiculous to see how extreme the docks for example can get
it never seizes to amaze me how much rubbish Apple and its affiliated
partners can come up with just for accessories! Life is worth so much
more then paying $30-$40 every time a new iPod or iPhone comes out and
this is where life needs to become more universal for Apple.
Innovation in iPod Docks at a complete standstill
after the other, these iPod docks come and go more and more and more
failing to make a lasting impression. It’s for that reason that I have
never bought a dock, the whole idea started back with Apple’s Universal Dock
but has just encouraged other companies to just replicate the design
and thus helping to slow down innovation in the design of the docks. As
much as I highlighted earlier about the extremeness of an iPod dock
with a built in DVD Player it just shows the other companies just what
is possible, and what really annoys me is just how some companies such
as iWorld just thrive off these people making repeat buys of the
updated stuff they bought just 3 months ago and we know why that is!
Apple, please stop changing the design of the iPod and its connection (discounting the iPod Touch and iPhone)!
Apple was just that little bit more considerate to consumers needs as
well as manufacturers I truly believe there wouldn’t be this state of
anxiety over whether it was worth the money for a new dock or set of
speakers, as I noted they are discounted from iPod Touches and iPhone
because they are changing those designs because of innovations, but
when they update the Nano or the iPod classic and change the dock
compatibility it just gets me!!
Even a quote from truly sums up this problem, created back in 2005:
“An accessories market has
sprung up around the iPod, the impact of which I’m not sure Apple fully
understands. You’ll see a massive number of iPod accessories. Products
will allow you to integrate the iPod into your car stereo or your house
(such as a slot that installs in the wall), and there will also be new
speakers, headphones and cases for the iPod.”
have I appeared to be too cynical towards the iPod accessories market,
maybe so. But one thing is for sure is that Apple can not continue to
create new media players that don’t work at all with older docks or