One of the cheapest forms of marketing is to get the press to write about you! But given the amount of content the press can write about, it’s often hard to get them to even consider your story. So, how do you get the journalists at the NYTimes or the Wall Street Journal to even take a look at your company? correspondent Reena Jadhav talks to Kathy Johnson of Consort Partners to give you tips on just how. (Kathy is one of the most connected people in Silicon Valley). Kathy says to go to a publisher’s Web site and identify the appropriate journalist. Typically, the journalists will have their emails available. Kathy says to read up on the journalists (so, you don’t look ignorant in front of them) so you know exactly how to pitch a story.

Additionally, it’s not just about getting word out in traditional publications. These days, companies should use the tools on the Web to help them distribute their content. Companies should Twitter their information, for example. Or, companies should take advantage of by establishing a company profile. Not only will the company profile receive hundreds or thousands of views, a company can post announcements on its profile and that announcement goes directly to the Vator newsroom. 

Watch Kathy Johson’s first interview here. 



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