If you want to go where the startups go for venture capital funding in Northern California, you head to Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park.

While there’s also a fair number of firms with offices in Palo Alto and San Francisco, the leafy office parks that sit back from this avenue on the edge of Silicon Valley reads like a Who’s Who list of VC firms. 

That’s where we caught up with Henry Wong, founder and CEO of Zipidee, a startup that buys the rights to traditional video content and re-sells it through its Web site.

Wong was just coming from a board meeting at a venture capital firm that he asked us not to name, because the Series B round, which Wong hopes will raise between $5 million and $7 million, is still open. Since we were there on his invite, we agreed to wait and will update that news when it comes. 

Zipidee, which gets much of its revenue from educational, instructional and self-help titles, is growing revenue at a feverish clip, according to Wong.

The company is among the leaders in the Demand Media/Vator.tv Challenge, which ended this week. 

To see an earlier interview with Wong, click here, and to see him sharing advice for entrepreneurs, go here.  

They’ve also got some partnerships with big media companies coming down the pike that will provide a lot of new content for the site, Wong told us. 

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