Trey Knight

Trey Knight

Trey Knight, a life partner, dad & businessperson, supports individuals overcome restricting ideas and get over their fear of prosperity so they may live the life that God meant for these people.

Member since October 20, 2016
Trey Knight, a life partner, dad & businessperson, supports individuals overcome restricting ideas and get over their fear of prosperity Quote_down
  • About

Full bio

Trey Knight is a devoted entrepreneur and onetime turn around specialist doing work with major equity firms in the US, Mexico, and China for the past 15 years. Trey has been training and mentoring individuals in the fields of business development, leadership, lifestyle management for years. Mr. Knight became acquainted with relationship/Network marketing in 2006 after watching world renowned investor Warren Buffet talk on marketing networks. With the large shift being witnessed in today's economy and "job security quickly turning into an obsolete word for most American families, Trey Knight decided to follow an overwhelming trend and build a company that enabled him to rely no longer on others for his future and safety and security. After setting up numerous companies and getting to the top pin levels within in record time, Trey noticed a change that sent him and his team looking for a more risk-free company to work with. Mr. Knight is a sought after coach and trainer and dedicated to delivering hope, building partnerships and leading the path for his team.