Paul Canty

Paul Canty

I have worked with 15+ start-ups in my career, and this culture of innovation has inspired me to transform ideas into reality.

Sunnyvale, California, United States
Member since August 08, 2016
I have worked with 15+ start-ups in my career, and this culture of innovation has inspired me to transform ideas into reality. Quote_down
  • About
Investor interests
Locations of interest
Credentials None

I am a(n):

First-time entrepreneur

Companies I've founded or co-founded:
Companies I work or worked for:
If you're an entrepreneur or corporate innovator, why?

I want to invent something cool.

My favorite startups:

Waze, Zappos, Lift

What's most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?

Time is always against you

Hours of research paying off

What's the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs/innovators make?

Dont know their own weakensses

What are the top three lessons you've learned as an entrepreneur?

Coming up with a name is extremely difficult, a partnership takes compromise and innovation is not always everything.

Full bio

I have worked with 15+ start-ups in my career, and this culture of innovation has inspired me to transform ideas into reality.

In my career I have also been fortunate to have worked in multiple industries from restaurants to software/hardware to health care, this breath of experience has given me a interesting perspective on the interworkings of a business and how to blend creativity with practicality.