Michael Buchanan

Michael Buchanan

I'm a graphic artist raised in a cornfield in Northeast Indiana. Now I live and work in LA and eat salads much more than I used to. People call me Squid.

Website: squidcharlemagne.tumblr.com
Los Angeles, California, United States
Member since May 04, 2013
I'm a graphic artist raised in a cornfield in Northeast Indiana. Now I live in LA and eat salads much more than I used to. Quote_down
  • About

I am a(n):


If you're an entrepreneur or corporate innovator, why?

I love eating Ramen.

My favorite startups:

SnapChat, Instagram, 37Signals

What's most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?

Things don't turn out how you expect them to, so that's frustrating. But if you are patient and persistent they turn out better, so that's rewarding.

What's the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs/innovators make?

No Cojones.

What are the top three lessons you've learned as an entrepreneur?

1. Be yourself 2. Go with the flow 3. Don't give up

Full bio

Hi. I'm Squid (Michael Buchanan). I was born on the east coast, raised and educated in the midwest and live on the west coast. 3 months ago I packed up and moved to LA with my two business partners Jon Bradford and Josh Dolitsky. The three of us have been working together for a year now, developing and branding early stage start ups. Now it's our turn. Our company, DreamSha.re, aims to make the process of starting a biz on the web as easy as tying your shoe. As the head of our creative department (pretty much just me) I am responsible for all things visual, from user interface elements to promotional design. I also like to drink beer and practice zen.