JeShaune Jackson

JeShaune Jackson

Case Western Reserve Grad (MBA-Entrepreneurship, MSc-Biotechnology: Stem Cells & Tissue Engineering). Formerly with Cleveland Clinic Innovations (VC 60+ portfolio companies $250M fund). Founder of BioComm, student sourced biotech commercialization

Twitter: @Sci_Fly
San Francisco, California, United States
Member since February 09, 2015
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  • About
2014 Case Western Reserve , MS , Biotechnology: Stem Cells & Tissue Engineering
2014 Case Western Reserve , MBA , Entrepreneurship
2010 Bowling Green State Univ. , BS , Biology

I am a(n):

Aspiring entrepreneur

Companies I've founded or co-founded:
Companies I work or worked for:
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland Clinic Innovations
Achievements (products built, personal awards won):

Johnson & Johnson: National Be Vital Competition 2013
Outstanding Citizen Resolution - Bedford Heights, OH
Think Magazine: 30 Under 30
Cleveland Plain Dealer
2014 People of Cleveland - Cleveland Scene

If you're an entrepreneur or corporate innovator, why?

I'm bursting with ideas!

What's most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?

Explaining to my mom why I didn't stick with medical school because I believe this career path will be more valuable.

What's the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs/innovators make?

Knowing the science very well, but overestimating their understanding of business

What are the top three lessons you've learned as an entrepreneur?

1) Achieving 1% of any market is a lot harder than most think.
2) The value of a network
3) When to kill a bad idea or pivot

Full bio

JeShaune Jackson is a Cleveland native, born and raised in Bedford Heights, OH where he graduated from Bedford High School in 2005. He then went on to attend Bowling Green State Univ. where he received a bachelors of science in Biology, while minoring in Entrepreneurship and Chemistry. He is a recent double Cum Laude graduate of Case Western Reserve Univ. where he received a Masters of Science in Biotechnology, specializing in stem cells and tissue engineering. As well as an MBA, concentrated in entrepreneurship. 

While in Cleveland JeShaune founded BioComm & BioComm Consulting, LLC, which uses students to write business plans to help get biomedical research to market. He also worked with Cleveland Clinic's venture capital arm helping to manage 60+ spinoff companies and a $250M fund. He has been featured in Think Magazine: 30 under 30, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cleveland Scene & had a city resolution passed in his honor. JeShaune currently resides in Silicon Valley, California where he helps teach a joint Stanford, UC Berkeley & UCSF course while he searches for his next startup to work with.