Jason Sherman

Jason Sherman

Jason is a serial entrepreneur who is a leader of the tech community in Philadelphia. He mentors college students using lean methodologies and data-driven decisions. He writes for three publications: AreaTech51, Technically Philly and Startus.

Website: www.jasonsherman.org
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonsherman76
Twitter: http://twitter.com/shermanbiz
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Member since September 12, 2013
  • About
1998 Delaware Valley University , BS , Computer Information Systems Management

I am a(n):


Companies I've founded or co-founded:
VideoDrone.me, Picklify.com, GoToConsulting.com, GuGo, Instamour.com, DelphiaFilms.com
If you're an entrepreneur or corporate innovator, why?

I want to change the world.

My favorite startups:

Slack, Trello, Flipboard, Dropbox

What's most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?

The best part of entrepreneurship & innovation is being able to use my creativity on a daily basis to build great companies from unique ideas. I also love the freedom I am privileged with. The most frustrating thing about being an entrepreneur is not always having the money needed to take an idea to the next level. Most of the time, you can only go so far without some funding.

What's the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs/innovators make?

Building too much, for too long. You have to build a minimum viable product (mvp) first to see if it will work and find out if consumers like it before you continue.

What are the top three lessons you've learned as an entrepreneur?

1. Never give up (ever)
2. Find people who are experts in specific areas to join your team
3. Enjoy the journey as much as possible

Full bio

I began my journey during the dot-com boom of the 90s when I started my own Technology Consulting company after graduating Delaware Valley University with a degree in Computer Information Systems Management in 1998. Currently, I am the CEO & Cofounder for Instamour, an innovative mobile video messaging platform based out of Philadelphia (we are fundraising). I have begun production for a historical Documentary about the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route and the preservation of historic buildings in Philadelphia. I am an avid volunteer for the Philadelphia tech community as a videographer and photographer for Philly New Technology MeetupStartupGrind(Google Entrepreneurs), and Tech in Motion Events. As a contributor for Technically Philly, I write about the thriving Philadelphia tech scene with a focus on startups. As an Angel Skillvestor (I invest my skills), I mentor other tech startups, college students and business owners on how to succeed using lean methodology. I created a How To Video Series hosted on my Blog and Youtube. Also, I'm an avid supporter of virtual currency such as Bitcoin and have created a microsite to teach others and spread awareness. Lastly I am a drone (DJI Phantom 3 and Inspire 1) enthusiast, and run VideoDrone.me which is my aerial cinematography subdivision of DelphiaFilms.com, my film production company.