George S.

George S.

Member since March 16, 2016
  • About

Full bio
Schooling, degrees, and certifications are important, but credibility is earned through real life experiences. Credibility in business is more complicated than simply saying "I'm trustworthy". If it were that simple, every Jim, Rick and Sue would have an office. I have learned this lesson early in life and that is why I have been investing enormous effort in demonstrating that I deserve your investment of time and money. I have had the privilege of working with fantastic people at different companies on three continents for over 15 years. These teams delivered game changing solutions and services and time and again have demonstrated competence, honesty, reliability and integrity. I believe our customers and partners have tremendously benefited from our efforts. As a business school graduate I can appreciate every decision from a business perspective. As a self-taught computer geek I can demonstrate nearly unlimited empathy and fully grasp a perspective of a technical person. My interests span from software architecture and programming to cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and robotics.