Today's Entrepreneur: Tanya Maslach

Kristin Karaoglu · February 8, 2013 · Short URL:

Focus and prioritization is everything

Today's Entrepreneur is Tanya Maslach, founder of GOTRIbal.GOTRIbal is connecting the millions of women endurance athletes to each other and brands they love.

According to her VEQ, Tanya is a thought leader and is good at team motivation and networking.

Vator’s community is the home to entrepreneurs who embrace their passion and follow their dreams. Our profiles allow members to express themselves by sharing their interests, lessons learned, as well as bits and pieces of their roller-coaster journey.

These profiles give entrepreneurs an opportunity to showcase themselves and tell their story. So if you are an entrepreneur, a serial entrepreneur, or even an aspiring entrepreneur, we'd like to hear from you.

I am a(n):
First-time entrepreneur

Companies I've founded or co-founded:

If you are an entrepreneur, why?
I want to change the world.

My favorite startups:
tripping, khanacademy, embarke

What's most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?
rewarding: celebrating hard fought wins you made happen with nothing but a belief and your passion. frustrating: making "wins" happen, no matter how small with nothing but your belief and your passion.

What's the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs make?
I don't know. I'm making new No. 1's every day.

What are the top three lessons you've learned as an entrepreneur?
Focus and prioritization is everything.
It's okay to say no to money, from investors or business partners, if they aren't the right fit or share your vision.
Finding the right people - employees, advisors, mentors, etc - is the most critical thing for success. Period.

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Image Description

Kristin Karaoglu

Woman of many skills: Database System Engineer; SplashX event producer; Author of Startup Teams

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GOTRIbal's first product, Activebudz, will make it easier for people who want to live, or maintain, active lifestyles to do so -- wherever they are, whenever they need someone.

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Tanya Maslach

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Making a difference one woman at a time.