News Bites

Well after a far-too-long period of nothing happening we are gearing up again for some changes. Traffic has been growing of it's own accord and we feel it is time to add some functionality and improve existing features. Until we have funding, it will be bit by bit....:-( on September 30
We have soon growth in traffic this month, as well as an increase in the use of our Resume Generator. Very frustrating waiting for our company to be formed so that we can launch our product! on May 15
Thumbs_up_green Bob Bernstein liked this update
Still waiting on the company papers, which is holding us up selling anything online. While we wait we are looking at our Resume Generator Tool, and the site in general to make out a list of improvements to work on. All feedback is very welcome..... on April 28
Been off the radar for a while since we are waiting for our irish company to be officially formed. We will have a product press release/launch soon, and hopefully we can start selling some career hubs. Anyone interested in trialing one of these get in touch! on April 17
Thumbs_up_green Bob Bernstein liked this update
Insuranca .com ®
Insuranca .com ® at 02:20pm April 17
Looking forward to your launch!
Waiting on our company papers in Ireland so we can start accepting payments online for our service. Also working on an example hub to demo to potential clients. Traffic on CareerQuestions is climbing....must be something in the air... on March 30
Thumbs_up_green Bob Bernstein liked this update
We are doing some final testing on our hubs site before we start driving traffic towards it. 15 issues and counting! on March 23
Thumbs_up_green Bob Bernstein liked this update
We are launching our Career Hubs next week! It's a little later than we expected, but hopefully it will be the first version of many! on March 10
Putting the final touches now on the Hubs Sales site. The hubs site itself has been tested and is ready to go. Once we launch these next week sometime we will be looking back into social networking features and upgrades to the Resume Generator. on February 25
Thumbs_up_green Wolf Hegemann liked this update
We are working hard to make the hubs release for the start of march. We have completed the beta functionality on the hub, and now we are putting the sales site together. Made an SEO mistake and currently waiting for Google to forgive me... on February 17
Career Centres will now be called Career Hubs. This will help us in dealing with the constant confusion on how to spell centre(center)! With that resolved, now all we have to do is finish the work in the next 3 weeks and open up for business! on February 09
Thumbs_up_green Wolf Hegemann liked this update
So we are nearly done on the Career Centre product. Our deadline day for releasing the product is end of February, so it's a race against the clock. The resume generator could do with a few new templates, so i am looking for inspiration! on February 04
Putting final touches on the Career Centre now, and starting to look at a marketing strategy for it. We had a couple of pages drop off google, being one. I think it was down when the spider was visiting! on January 28
Little by little getting there with the Career Centres. Working on a solution for allowing people to style the Career Centre to fit into their site design. Then we only have some cleaning up to do. Looking forward to end of development and the beginning of business! on January 26
With more and more people being laid off we are going to brainstorm and see if there is anyway we can make it easier for these people to find new Careers, and get back into work. LinkedIn is a good network, but there are certainly missing features. on January 22
More work completed on the Career Centre today. Also some planning done on the social networking aspects we hope to include in the beta release. Changed some Page titles on CareerQuestions to see if we could get more traffic to the Resume Generator. on January 19
Still working on the Career Centre Product, some excellent progress made this week. We will be looking for some companies to test out the Career Centre, whom we will look for here on Vator first. on January 17
Made good progress on the Career Centre yesterday, it's shaping into a nice product. A few good days next week and we should be able to get a demo up. The demo here is OLD, but gives a good understanding of the beta features. on January 16
We have noticed some errors on the homepage, and so will be doing a small update sometime later this evening to fix the problem. on January 15
Our Career Centre is going to provide an easy way for companies/associations to promote careers, advertise jobs, host discussions and gather resumes. Larger associations can also offer this service to their members. There will be a free version for small sme's. Beta - end of Feb. on January 13
Conor Stapleton
Conor Stapleton at 01:42am January 15
We have notices some errors on the homepage, and so will be doing a small update sometime this evening to fix the problem.
Hi everyone, We are back to work again! We are currently focusing on completing our Career Center software and improving our Resume Generator ( We are delighted to see that our traffic is gaining momentum. Feedback has been good! on January 12
Hi, welcome to our first update on We are just back from our Christmas break on Monday and have a lot planned for the coming winter months. Updates to the Career Centre and the Resume Generator are first on our list. More information to follow soon! on January 08