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I like to build-especially where the conventional wisdom says it's not possible
Groupon, Facebook, Healthy Advice
Leading can be exhausting, yet the charge you get from sticking to your vision, executing and bringing your baby to market makes all the wear & tear absolutely worth it. There really isn't anything quite like success. I've also had the opposite outcome and that really blows.
Not really understanding what it takes to be successful- the amount of stick-to-it-ness needed regardless of the cost. As an offset however,the drive to win is made easier if you love what you do.
1) The word "can't" is not in my team's vocab. 2) If by chance "can't" is uttered, it probably reflects popular wisdom on the subject and that means there is probably an opportunity to do what others think can't be done. 3) Even pure tech businesses are people businesses-you have to press the flesh:when the chips are down the client relationship is key.
Traver is a Private-Equity & seed money backed entrepreneur with a track record of building long-standing start up’s. He is currently looking to bring strategic capital & executive guidance to a select start up or early stage company.
Traver sits as Chair on the Board of Directors of Remedy Health Media- a leading cross platform company in consumer health. Board members include the Private Equity partners of Veronis Suhler Stevenson who invested $33MM into his enterprise.
As the co-founder of RHM and CEO until this past summer, Traver led the company to become a renowned "Leader in Consumer Health Educational Marketing". To accelerate its growth, he successfully engaged the leading Private Equity firm in the Communications space-VSS.
Having launched the company in the mid 90's, he led the successful transformation from being publishing-centric to its position today as a "cross channel communications company". Core to that was a build & buy strategy in the digital space while changing the corporate culture to support the (r)evolution. Accelerators of the strategy include the build of a digital lead gen platform, the health portal acquisition , and the recent acquition of the mobile health enterprise .
At the same time in the late 90's, Traver founded & chaired This was an early "bricks & clicks" company which focused on bringing new customers via the internet to the challenged independent pharmacy arena. The startup rose $1.8M in angel funding. It was later sold to the JM Smith Corporation.
Traver has a BA in History & a Minor in Economics from the University of MN. He resides in Greenwich CT.