Thiago Sindra

Thiago Sindra

Thiago is the CEO and Co-Founder of Timezpot and loves music, movies, art, reading, studying, and his family, in no specific order.

Jersey City, New Jersey, United States
Member since August 15, 2011
Dream but execute; imagine but be realistic; persevere but don't be dumb; commit mistakes, but learn from them; listen but not only with your ears. Quote_down
  • About
1998 PUCRS , BS , Computer Science
2007 FTBP , BS , Theology

I am a(n):


Achievements (products built, personal awards won):

LifeNexus - Outstanding Contribution iChip Product Launch (May 2013)
LifeNexus - Outstanding Contribution Amerigroup iChip Launch (Mar 2014)
Fulcrum - Rising Star (Jan 2014)
ASSESPRO-RS - Awards of best Bachelor's Thesis in Computer Science PUC-RS (Jan 2006)

If you're an entrepreneur or corporate innovator, why?

The most effective way of making your dreams come true is by making other people's dreams come true first.

My favorite startups:

Facebook, Airbnb, Twitter

What's most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?

Most rewarding: being able to verify that the problem you are trying to solve indeed exists and its solution offers satisfaction to the users.
Most frustrating: when the entrepreneur finds out too late that he or she was insisting in a solution for the wrong problem.

What's the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs/innovators make?

Not listen to their [future] customers.

What are the top three lessons you've learned as an entrepreneur?

1 - Learn from other people's mistakes.
2 - Learn from your own mistakes.
3 - Avoid mistakes.

Full bio

Thiago Sindra is Brazilian born entrepreneur, co-founder, and the CEO of Timezpot.

Thiago currently lives in the United States and has attained two bachelor degrees in Computer Science and Theology from Brazilian Universities. Sindra has 'played' with programming since 1997 and also has loved playing and studying music since the age of 12. He enjoys reading (and buying) books as well as studying linguistics. Thiago is passionate about history, philosophy, and values different cultures. From an early age, Sindra had the dream of acting in film and/or being a director at least once in his life.

Thiago says he would not change anything in his past because he believes that we must always keep growing. The mistakes he has made have taught him to value who he is today. "If there were only a few things left to learn in life, those would be the ones that remind us that we're not perfect and that we should be always thankful, trustful, and never feel superior to any other".

Thiago says that Family and God are intrinsically related and both serve as guide to show love and respect for all things in life.

Some of his favorite quotes are: "Dream but execute; imagine but be realistic; persevere but don't be dumb; commit mistakes, but learn from them; listen but not only with your ears."

"Trying before failing is better than failing without trying. At least the second time you'll be better on resisting and avoiding pain."