Matt Maurer

Matt Maurer

Big healthcare ideas in Silicon Valley. A strategist & operator at heart, and a balancer of many hats. More interested in problems-solved, than titles-held. Advocate for removing steps and getting things done.

San Francisco, California, United States
Member since December 11, 2014
  • About
2008 University of North Dakota , BA , Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Honors, Aviation, 3.9
2006 Export Institute of America Cert., Export Management
2006 John D Odegard School of Aerospace Science Private Pilot License, Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, 4.0

I am a(n):


Companies I've founded or co-founded:
Stroll Health
Companies I work or worked for:
Achievements (products built, personal awards won):

In college, I served as President and Managing Director of Dakota Venture Group, and was afterward named to the Board of Trustees. At RAIN Source Capital, I was chosen among applicants from 12 states as the sole recipient of the 2008 Alan K. Ruvelson Fellowship. My company Stroll was selected to participate in Steve Blank's Lean Launchpad for Life Sciences and Healthcare at UCSF Entrepreneurship Center sponsored by the National Science Foundation and was named to Diagnostic Imaging's "Top People to Watch in Radiology," among numerous other awards and mentions.

If you're an entrepreneur or corporate innovator, why?

I'm bursting with ideas!

My favorite startups:

Cumulus Networks, eMeter, Slack

What's most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?

The difficulty of changing a customer or investor's conception of an well-established system . . . the frenetic, single-minded energy of a group working to revolutionize that system.

What's the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs/innovators make?

Entering a saturated market with a marginal or undifferentiated product.

What are the top three lessons you've learned as an entrepreneur?

Startups that have to compete out of the gate are doomed - you gotta be the biggest or only fish in a small pond that will grow with you. Everyone's got advice for you, but not all of it is germane; it's important (but difficult) to take what makes sense and leave the rest. Don't be afraid to think on your feet and pivot when necessary.

What do you hate most about being an entrepreneur or working at startups?

Never being able to take a day off!

Full bio

Matt is a silicon valley entrepreneur with a background in venture capital. He previously served as Ruvelson Fellow to the RainSource Capital network of angel investors, and President and Managing Director with the Dakota Venture Group — where he remains on the board of Trustees. Switching to the other side of the deal table, Maurer became part of the core team at Spoke Software, where he wore many hats - Managing Product, Business Development, Marketing, and the Spoke Community, to name a few.  Matt enjoys hockey, water sports, flying things, and stretching the margin of awesome.  Matt left Spoke to co-found Stroll Health, a digital health startup aiming to bring cost transparency to the doctor's office, where he is working full time as COO.