Lynn Perkins

Lynn Perkins

Third time entrepreneur. Co-founder of UrbanSitter. Previous start up experience at and Finance/development experience at Joie de Vivre Hosp, LaSalle Partners and Gap Inc.

Twitter: @UrbanSitter
San Francisco, California, United States
Member since January 23, 2012
  • About
1996 Stanford University , BA

I am a(n):


Companies I've founded or co-founded:
Companies I work or worked for:
Joie de Vivre Hospitality, La Salle Partners, Gap Inc., Bridgepath
If you're an entrepreneur or corporate innovator, why?

I love creating businesses from scratch and working with smart, motivated people.

My favorite startups:

Dropbox, HotelTonight, GoodReads, SportsForce

What's most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?

The most rewarding thing about innovation is seeing how your company can positively impact somebody's life through increased efficiency, providing a needed service, or offering a helpful product.

As an entrepreneur it can be frustrating when your live product or service is in one stage but you have a plan of where it can or will be in 6 months and that product or service is even better. Juggling and prioritizing resources early on can be tough.

What are the top three lessons you've learned as an entrepreneur?

1. Connect with the customer early on. Getting feedback from users in the demographic you are targeting is really important.

2. Work with great people. There are so many things to accomplish at a startup and it is nice to work with people who trust each other to prioritize their tasks and get the work done. It is even better if you enjoy the company of one another!

3. Maintain some level of patience. Even though new businesses work at an incredible speed I've learned that it can be really valuable when making key decisions to slow it down and even put decisions on hold for some reasonable period of time. Often times the right strategic decision, investment partner selection, or next step for the product actually becomes obvious when you step back and take a break from thinking about the issue.

Full bio

Lynn Perkins is CEO and co-founder of, an online resource that helps parents and babysitters to connect through people they know. A startup veteran, Lynn has more than 15 years of experience building and growing consumer Internet businesses. Prior to founding to UrbanSitter, Lynn served as founder and CEO of and VP of Business Development at At Gap Inc., LaSalle Partners and Joie de Vivre Hospitality, Lynn gained extensive business and transaction experience. 

Lynn is also the proud mom of three children and a graduate of Stanford University.