Kyle Killion

Kyle Killion

Co-Founder of Suiteness • VP of Product for Apartment List, Product Manager for Yelp, and Coupa • Founding member of the Geek Squad, co-founded and sold maccontrol for $7M • University of Minnesota

Oakland, California, United States
Accredited investor
Member since July 16, 2013
  • About
Investor interests
Type of investor Angel
Typical investment size Under $25,000
Typical investments in a year 1
Categories of interest
Locations of interest
Credentials Accredited Investor
maccontrol, $1M to $50M

I am a(n):


Companies I've founded or co-founded:
Companies I work or worked for:
Yelp, Apartment List, Coupa Software, Apple, Geek Squad
Achievements (products built, personal awards won):

Products: Apartment List, Yelp Deals, Coupa Expense, Maccontrol

If you're an entrepreneur or corporate innovator, why?

I want to invent something cool.

My favorite startups:

Hotel Tonight, Airbnb

What's most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?

Everything that you do has a huge impact on a new company. So when something turns out great you feel amazing, if something doesn't turn out great you feel that too. Most days you experience both several times.

What's the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs/innovators make?

Taking too long. Often when teams are deciding on the next priority to tackle they have a hard time limiting the scope. The more time you spend adding features or refining without customer feedback the worse the results tend to be received.

What are the top three lessons you've learned as an entrepreneur?

1. Execute quickly.
2. Measure everything.
3. Know what really matters and what is noise.