I want to change the world.
Ushow, Blogic, Bump
Its interesting because the most frustrating aspects of Entrepreneurship are also the ones that are the most rewarding. In my personal experience one of the most frustrating things for me has been that I have come so close to having this website be in a position to just take off. Be it through investment money that was promised, or web development being completed etc. Its like i have been so close truly making this company successful but it seems as though every time we get close something that is out of our control happens and we take 10 steps back. However, even though I have faced numerous setbacks, I have raised money and I have launched and witnessed the excitement of the college students to sign up and those moments (Although they were short lived) are the moments that I hold on to and the ones that drive my motivation to continue to persevere through the challenges. As an Entrepreneur you need to be resilient and I have certainly proven to myself and others that I am strong enough to overcome those challenges. At the end of the day there are people you just want to live their life and people that want to experience it and as an entrepreneur you truly experience your life because when your low your low but when your high... its unlike anything else. The feeling of accomplishment you have to see something you have created is the most fulfilling experience you will ever have and I wouldn't give up any part of my journey as an entrepreneur thus far.
In my opinion that #1 mistake most entrepreneurs make is that they don't do their research. I have seen so many startups fail simply because the founders assumed that their idea was so original nothing else existed like it and they make steps to move forward but it all comes crashing down when they realize someone else is doing something similar.
1. Be Patient. (Funding is Hard)
2. Continue to Evolve ( Learn from your failures and make improvements to your business model)
3. Surround yourself with people that share your vision
Krystie Dillingham – Founder/ CEO
Ms. Dillingham is the 23 year old innovator of the StÙˆdill.com concept. She entered the StÙˆdill.com concept in the Arizona State University “Young Entrepreneur Competition” and won first place. She recently was accepted into the ASU Entrepreneur Initiative and was awarded $10,000 and office space at ASU’s SkySong facilities. Her venture is now being considered as a nominee in the Arizona’s Governor Innovation Award Ceremony as well as the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards. Now graduated with a B.S. in Political Science from Arizona State University, she has a well developed background entreprnuership having founded both YouGeeks LLC and the 501(C)(3) The 87 Plays Foundation.