I want to change the world.
Airbnb, Kiva, Dropbox, Facebook,
Underprovision cash.
1) Don't die
2) put food on the table today and harvest for tomorrow
3) Run a marathon, not a sprint
Jonathan Gheller is Co-founder of Storylane, a platform to share experiences and ideas that matter. Mr Gheller left the academic world in 2006 to found Fashmatch.com, a website allowing users to make recommendations about which pieces of apparel and accessories matched appropriately. From a user perspective, Fashmatch.com was a fun toy–but behind the scenes, the software was built on sophisticated algorithms designed by Mr Gheller and his team. Fashmatch.com analysed user input in order to quantify subjective aesthetics, amassing useful data on fashion preferences that vendors could use to make accurate recommendations. In 2009, Fashmatch.com was sold to Like.com and turned into Couturious.com. Mr Gheller served as Product Manager for Couturious.com for a year it was acquired by Google. Mr Gheller earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Venezuela’s Universidad Católica Andres Bello and a Master’s degree in Political Economy from the University of Essex in Colchester. He also has a pending dissertation for a Master’s in Philosophy at Venezuela’s Universidad Simon Bolívar.