Heidi Roizen

Heidi Roizen

Operating Partner at DFJ, board member TiVo and DMGT, teach entrepreneurship at Stanford. Co-founder/CEO T/Maker Company. Former VP WW Developer Relations at Apple. Stanford undergrad and MBA.

Website: www.heidiroizen.com
Twitter: @heidiroizen
Others: www.dfj.com
California, United States
Member since March 26, 2009
I love working with great entrepreneurs. We're all lucky to be here. Life is good. Quote_down
  • About
Investor interests
Type of investor Accelerator
Credentials None
1983 Stanford GSB , MBA
1980 Stanford University , BA

I am a(n):

Entrepreneur, Director, Teacher, Venture Capitalist, Mom

If you're an entrepreneur or corporate innovator, why?

it is the most fun job in the world

Full bio


Heidi Roizen has spent her life immersed in the Silicon Valley ecosystem – as an 
entrepreneur, corporate executive, venture capitalist, educator and member of the boards of directors of private and public companies, trade associations and nonprofit institutions.  After receiving her undergraduate and MBA degrees from Stanford University, Heidi co-founded T/Maker Company (an early personal computer software company) in 1983, where she served as CEO from inception through its acquisition by Deluxe Corporation in 1994.  In 1996, Heidi joined Apple as Vice President of Worldwide Developer Relations.  
From there, Heidi entered the venture capital world, serving as a Managing Director for Mobius Venture Capital from 1999 to 2007.
Today, Heidi is the Operating Partner at leading global venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ).  She is also a Fenwick and West Entrepreneurship Educator in the Department of Engineering at Stanford University,
where she teaches the course Spirit of Entrepreneurship.  Heidi is a 
member of the board of directors of TiVo (NASDAQ:TIVO) and of DMGT (LSE:DMGT) as well as DFJ portfolio companies Eventful, ShareThis, and XTime.  She serves on the advisory boards of Springboard Enterprises and the National Center for Women in Information Technology.  She has an undergraduate and an MBA degree from Stanford.