Bill Wade is the founder and organizing executive of, abusiness-to-business information and lead generation services portal for SMBs,which launched in 2009 by way of its acquisition of Matchpoint Online,Inc. Prior to, Billserved as Vice Chairman of Sage Payment Solutions, a division of Sage Softwareplc. Prior to the acquisition of Verus Financial Management by Sage Software,Bill served as Executive Vice President (President effective 2005), corporatesecretary and board member for Verus Financial Management, Inc. Verus and itssubsidiary operations processed in excess of $8 billion in transaction settlementactivity annually prior to the acquisition by Sage Software for $325,000,000 incash. Bill merged Network 1Financial as the platform company for Verus’s operations and also served asChairman and CEO of Network 1 Financial, a payment processing company hefounded in 1989. Bill assisted in raising in excess of $85,000,000 in venturecapital and debt financial between 2000 and 2006 for Network 1 and VerusFinancial Management prior to the sale of Verus. Bill spearheaded the Verusnegotiations with Sage Software leading to the company’s acquisition by Sage inFebruary 2006.
Angel investments and exits: (funded)
LEX on Demand (funded)
Application Corporation (funded)
Commerical 1 Concrete (funded)
DG Holdings S.A. LLC (funded)
Ilumen Inc. (funded)
FirstView (funded)
Lethoff Inc. (funded)
TrustWave (funded)
Solveras (funded)
BetterWorks (closed)
CoFoundersLab (funded)