Ben Lilienthal

Ben Lilienthal

Serial tech entrepreneur. Sold 2 companies to public co's including audio conferencing platform to Citrix Online that powers GoToMeeting. Started company, sold to Citrix at $3mm run-rate and left when business was doing $20mm.

Twitter: screenmeet
San Francisco, California, United States
Member since March 30, 2016
Serial Entrepreneur in communications. Avid surfer, mountain biker, hiker, traveler and food policy geek. Active in Quote_down
  • About
Investor interests
Locations of interest
Credentials None
1995 Amherst College , BA , Anthropology (magna)

I am a(n):


Companies I've founded or co-founded:
Nascent Technologies, Vapps, OneTok, ScreenMeet
Companies I work or worked for:
Citrix Online
Achievements (products built, personal awards won):

Aspen Institute Henry Crown Fellows

If you're an entrepreneur or corporate innovator, why?

I like the challenge

My favorite startups:

Nascent, Vapps, ScreenMeet

What's most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?

I like the challenge on bringing new products

What's the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs/innovators make?

They don't realize how hard it is easy to get customer adoption

What are the top three lessons you've learned as an entrepreneur?

1) Show up everyday and work hard
2) Continue to innovate both on the technology and the go to market
3) Double down when things work

What do you before enlightment?

Chop Wood/Carry Water

What do you do after enlightenment?

Chop Wood/Carry Water

Full bio

Start-up product, sales and marketing aficionado.  I have started 4 companies from scratch and sold 2 to public companies.  1 failed and ScreenMeet is #4.

I believe the opportunity we are pursuing with ScreenMeet is enormous.  We are creating a brand-new category on mobile which is adjacent to the web conferencing business but has the opportunity to be much bigger.  In addition to defining the category, we have the opportunity to own the category.