Alex Kutsishin

Alex Kutsishin

Alex is the co-founder and President of FiddleFly, Inc, a custom mobile web solutions company. He has been an entrepreneur his entire life, specializing in web design and creative media marketing.

Member since April 18, 2012
I design, I teach, but mostly I create. When I see a need for a better solution, I build one, and right now the biggest need on the market is a better way to go mobile. That's why we made fiddlefly. Quote_down
  • About

If you're an entrepreneur or corporate innovator, why?

Why not? I see problems and I love finding solutions. That's what being an entrepreneur is all about.

Full bio

Alex Kutsishin is the President of FiddleFly, Inc. He is an entrepreneur with a background in creative marketing and web design. When Alex is not helping the world go mobile with FiddleFly, he spends his time traveling the country speaking about social media, marketing, and the future of the web.