Abdullah Zayed AlNahyan

Abdullah Zayed AlNahyan

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abdullah-zayed-alnahyan-bb3145128
New York, New York, United States
Accredited investor
Member since August 30, 2016
To be the leading investment group of choice based on profitable, ethical and socially responsible business practises. For project funding contact me Quote_down
  • About
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I want to change the world.

Full bio

Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) was established on July 15, 1971, as a leading national entity to provide development aid to developing countries in the form of concessionary loans and administering grants on behalf of the Abu Dhabi government. The aim is to finance development projects in order to support efforts to achieve economic and social development in developing countries. ADFD also makes investments in order to encourage the private sector in the recipient countries to play an essential role in accelerating the economic development process. The total value of loans, grants and investments funded by ADFD and the Government of Abu Dhabi during the past four decades, reach almost AED 35 billion for 325 development projects in 59 countries around the world.