Ex-Googlers on angel investing

Bambi Francisco Roizen · September 25, 2008 · Short URL: https://vator.tv/n/42f

What are these guys looking for as an investment?

David Lee and Pietro Dova are ex-Googlers who were fortunate to be at the search giant in the "early" days, when Google was worth well below its current market value of $140 billion. Today, they're part of a growing number of millionaires and full-time angels seeking to parlay their riches and expertise by investing in and advising startups. So far, so good. Their biggest hit to-date is Tapulous, one of the leading iPhone apps.

Other well-known Google angels, which make up the Google Mafia, include Georges Harik and FriendFeed co-founder Paul Buchheit - both of whom are investors in Vator.

David and Pietro are partners at XG Ventures, an angel outfit focused on Internet and mobile startups. Together with two other ex-Googlers - Andrea Zurek and Greg Lee - the team is seeking innovative and creative companies to invest up to $100,000. 

I caught up with the two at TechStars down at the Microsoft campus. I asked what they were looking for in an investment.

"I think in terms of companies itself, what stands out to us is smart people," said David.

Pietro added that XG seeks entrepreneurs with experience and a solid idea of the business model as well as an easy-to-use product.

Watch the interview to hear about what they're investing in and how the market is affecting or not affecting their investments and outlook.

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Bambi Francisco Roizen

Founder and CEO of Vator, a media and research firm for entrepreneurs and investors; Managing Director of Vator Health Fund; Co-Founder of Invent Health; Author and award-winning journalist.

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Tapulous, Inc.


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Tapulous is a Palo Alto, CA based startup building a family of fun and social apps for the iPhone.  We are angel funded and have released two apps for the iPhone (as of early August, 2008): Tap Tap Revenge (a music game) and Twinkle (the app that lets you connect with people nearby and your friends on Twitter).


Angel group/VC

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TechStars is a different. It’s a mentorship-driven seed stage investment fund located in Boulder, Colorado which is quickly becoming one of the country’s top startup hubs.


Georges Harik

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Paul Buchheit

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Pietro Dova

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David Lee

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