Kristin Karaoglu's Channel
- February 10, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: Jeremy Howard
No. 1 mistake: If you don't make a start, you'll never achieve it
- February 8, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: Dylan Bathurst
No. 1 mistake: Focusing too much on networking, instead of building the product/company
- February 1, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: Reuben Katz
No. 1 mistake: Underestimating the amount of time it takes to build
- January 27, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: Eden Godsoe
No. 1 mistake: Over-thinking and over-analyzing things
- January 25, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: Paresh Patel
No. 1 mistake: Not trusting their gut or instinct
- January 20, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: Jeff Dachis
No. 1 mistake: Listening to doubters and nay sayers
- January 13, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: David Urmann
No. 1 mistake: Getting too excited and not thinking through everything carefully
- January 11, 2012
Today's Entrepreneur: Brian Chesky
No. 1 mistake: Not having the willingness to get their hands dirty and do the hard, unglamorous work
- January 6, 2012