Vator Splash Health 2015 Finalist Nodexus

Kristin Karaoglu · March 13, 2015 · Short URL:

Check out Nodexus' presentation on stage and the judges' feedback

Vator Splash Health 2015 finalist Nodexus is commercializing a versatile system, consisting of a hardware platform (tablet-sized) and disposable cartridges, that was developed at Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley.  The technology offers unprecedented sensitivity at a fraction of the cost, and we are leveraging our unique advantages for cancer screening.

Here's a video of Karthik Balakrishnan presenting at Vator Splash Health.

Among the judges were Nina Kjellson (General Partner, InterWest Partners), Missy Krasner (Managing Director, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Box), John Steuart (Managing Director, Prolog Ventures, Garrett Dunham (Founder & CEO, Prebacked), Shomit Ghose (Managing Director & Partner, ONSET Ventures), Sharon Knight (Founder, Avik Ventures), Vishal Vasishth (Co-Founder, Obvious Ventures), and Mike McCormick (Audit Senior Manager, KPMG).

Apply to Splash Oakland for the chance to present and compete live on April 23, and join in on workshops on April 22. Applications due before March 18. APPLY HERE.

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Kristin Karaoglu

Woman of many skills: Database System Engineer; SplashX event producer; Author of Startup Teams

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Nodexus Inc.


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Nodexus is commercializing a versatile system, consisting of a hardware platform (tablet-sized) and disposable cartridges, that was developed at Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley.  The technology offers unprecedented sensitivity at a fraction of the cost, and we are leveraging our unique advantages for cancer screening.

The Problem

Studies have shown that circulating tumor cells (CTCs) shed from a patient’s primary tumor and enter the bloodstream, leading to the formation of secondary tumors elsewhere in the body. The presence of CTCs is linked to metastases, decreased survival rates, and therapy inefficacy; therefore, CTCs can serve as an early warning system for the spread of cancer.

The Nodexus Solution


We believe that the future of metastatic cancer screening, treatment, and monitoring will be through a “liquid biopsy”. Unlike existing technologies for CTC detection, our platform enables the collection and characterization of many different types of viable CTCs that can ultimately allow a doctor to identify the right regimen for each patient, monitor therapy resistance, and perform early detection of disease. Our liquid biopsy provides an avenue for new therapies and drug discovery while reducing costs/labor time and increasing patient outcomes/peace-of-mind.  A unique benefit offered by our system is its ease of use; it is a one-step fully automated process that can be operated without the need for a trained technician.

The Company/Team

Karthik Balakrishnan, PhD – Chief Executive Officer, (Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley, B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Caltech; M.S. Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley), Full-Time – Karthik has extensive experience with the Nodexus platform, as a co-inventor of the core technology. He provides insight into the manufacturing and development that are necessary to commercialize the platform. Karthik’s vision is to apply device design and engineering to solve medical problems and to develop commercial solutions to improve patient outcomes.

Anand Kesavaraju – Chief Strategy Officer, (Innovation Fellow, Northwestern University INVO; B.S. Bioengineering, UC Berkeley; M.S. Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University), Full-Time – Anand has done extensive research in Biological Engineering and Global Health, has professional experience in the biomedical device industry, and has entrepreneurship expertise through the NUvention Medical Innovation Program and as an Innovation Fellow at INVO. Anand’s background lies in the translation of biomedical devices from ideation to the market.

Vincent Tuminelli – Chief Product Officer, (Business development in Biotechnology; A.B. Biology, Princeton University), Full-Time – Vincent has spent years in the biotech industry. He has extensive research, development, and industry experience in the biotechnology sector (Genentech, Plexxikon), including leading budget and contract negotiations. Vincent brings expertise working with contract research organizations and pharmaceutical companies that will prove valuable as Nodexus grows.

Furthermore, Nodexus’ key personnel are joined by a strong team of Advisors and Scientific Advisors that will be assisting with development and commercialization.

Frequently Asked Q&A

Please see Document entitled Nodexus - Due Diligence Q&A in Private folder


Lydia Sohn

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I am a co-founder of Nodexus. Nodexus's core technology has been in development in my research laboratory for over 10 years ago. I am currently a Prof. of Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley.

Garrett Dunham

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I founded Prebacked to bridge the chasm between corporate problems and startup solutions. We help startups land their first multi $BN client and find product-market fit in 4 months, rather than 24. Strong advocate for building things that matter.

Karthik Balakrishnan

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I am a Founder/CEO of Nodexus, an Angel-funded biotech startup currently housed in the Berkeley Skydeck Accelerator. I helped developed the Nodexus core technology in graduate school, prior to which I was studying Mechanical Engineering at Caltech.

Vincent Tuminelli

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I have worn many hats in my career thus far and continue to do so in my current role at Nodexus. From leading budget and contract negotiations to performing market research, I am able to manage a variety of projects and challenges.

John Steuart

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I’ve been managing venture capital funds for more than 15 years, at Alafi Capital, Claremont Creek Ventures and Prolog. M

Missy Krasner

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Managing Director of Healthcae & Life Sciences at Box. Formerly EIR at Morgenthaler Ventures on Health IT deals. Formerly at Google on Google Health and ONC/HHS as Advisor to First National Coordinator of Health IT.

Anand Kesavaraju

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Founder and CSO at Nodexus, Inc. (