Today's Entrepreneur: Jason Grunstra

Kristin Karaoglu · May 22, 2013 · Short URL:

No. 1 mistake: Not taking risks

Today's Entrepreneur is Jason Grunstra, founder of According to his VEQ Jason is a thought leader and is good at technology design and product management. is an international community where people can enjoy music/videos together in a socially interactive environment. Our customers are brands seeking a highly integrated advertising channel, artists looking to reach a wider international demographic, and digital content consumers that enjoy consuming content in a fun and engaging environment.

( is one of the promising startups competing to be one of the top 10 finalists to present on stage at Vator Splash LA in May. If you want to see them or other startups on stage, register here.)


Vator’s community is the home to entrepreneurs who embrace their passion and follow their dreams. Our profiles allow members to express themselves by sharing their interests, lessons learned, as well as bits and pieces of their roller-coaster journey.

These profiles give entrepreneurs an opportunity to showcase themselves and tell their story. So if you are an entrepreneur, a serial entrepreneur, or even an aspiring entrepreneur, we'd like to hear from you.

I am a(n):

Companies I've founded or co-founded:
Infowit, CampusComps, Sentinare, MyFreeImplants

Startups I worked for:
MyFreeImplants, JamCloud,

If you are an entrepreneur, why?
I'm bursting with ideas!

My favorite startups:

What's most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?
Most frustrating: having lots of really good ideas and not having the necessary resources to execute on those ideas!

What's the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs make?
Not taking risks

What are the top three lessons you've learned as an entrepreneur?
1. Listen to your gut instinct.
2. Any idea is a good idea if you can market it successfully
3. Monetize!

(Want to be profiled? Just fill out your Vator profile and we'll find you! Or you can email


Image Description

Kristin Karaoglu

Woman of many skills: Database System Engineer; SplashX event producer; Author of Startup Teams

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Joined Vator on's mission is dedicated to growing positive international communities for sharing and discovering music.

We enable people from all around the world to connect via shared interests and socially consume music/videos in realtime.  Our users choose from a wide array of expressive characters, join any number of virtual rooms where they can discover and share music and videos, and communicate with international cohorts.

Our average user spends 2 hrs 30 min on the site per visit while actively engaging in the social consumption of videos and music, gaming mechanics, international chat and social media integration that leaves the user with a positive experience.

In December 2013, we raised $1.25m from Javelin Venture Partners

Here's a few quick highlights of our progress over the past 6 months:

  • Organically grown our community to +3.8m registered users in +190 countries (940k MAU up 54% last 6 months)
  • Average active user engagement +2 hrs 30 min (up from 48 min last 6 months)
  • Retention: 7D: 48%, 30d: 35%
  • is already localized into +20 languages
  • Solid, well-rounded team of 4 engineers, 2 designers/artists, 2 marketing/community, 1 BD/sales (from founding team last 6 months)

Jason Grunstra

Joined Vator on

An idea guy with precise execution skills and a vicious flare for marketing!