Mobli, a mobile content sharing platform, has released a new app that promises to “unlock the power of social media” (which some might argue Facebook actually did a long time ago…). Combining YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter, the app allows users to share content in the form of photos and videos within topic-specific channels.
To get a better idea of Mobli, it helps to know where the idea came from. It all started when CEO and founder Moshiko (Moshe) Hogeg found himself in lame seats at a concert, where he couldn’t see much of what was going on onstage. What he could see were the throngs of smartphones held up high in the air, which got him to thinking about how cool it would be to watch the same concert from hundreds of different angles. Thus, Mobli was born.
Users can attend concerts, travel, visit restaurants, and more, and they can tag specific locations, venues, celebrities, performers, and more, allowing other users with similar interests to check out the same content. Channels range from food, funny, and fashion, to nightlife, cars, and girls (?…).
Additionally, when users upload tagged content, the content is automatically syndicated to the appropriate channels. For example, if a user uploads a video from a concert, the video is automatically syndicated to the user’s individual channel, the performer’s channel, the concert venue channel, and other channels that the user may tag, such as celebrities, live music, and so on.
“Mobli is like having a friend at every event or location you find interesting, feeding you real-time, multimedia content,” said Moshe Hogeg in a statement. “We created smartphone applications and a Website that delivers the best of what social media was intended to be by enabling people to bring experiences and events to life for others with shared interests. At its essence, Mobli lets you watch real-time channels created by your friends, family and other people wherever they are.”
But Mobli is obviously getting into a pretty crowded space. Content sharing is certainly nothing new—YouTube is obviously the default go-to resource for everything from viral videos to obscure regional commercials. And Instagram has built up a pretty solid following in social photo sharing. So can Mobli compete?